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Monday, September 6, 2021

Things To Do In Minneapolis, Minnesota Instead of Amway WWDB Spring Leadership 2013

 WWDB Amway Spring Leadership is being held in Minneapolis, Minnesota by Amway World Wide Dream Builders (Amway). The Minneapolis Convention Center will host the event on May 4th and 5th, 2013.

Hmmm. It just goes to show how much I know. I had no idea that Minneapolis was recognised for hosting conventions, let alone that they had a facility to host them in! I used to believe that the only thing Minneapolis was recognised for was being the location of the Mary Tyler Moore Show.

No, not at all. Everything I know of Minneapolis comes from watching the Mary Tyler Moore Show, which I watch on a regular basis. Given the fact that it has been many years since I last watched one of those episodes, I can safely say that I am as ignorant as the next person about them. During the play, there were a number of snow storms, which I recall. Regardless, if you want to visit the statue of Mary Tyler Moore throwing her hat in the air, it is located in front of Macy's at 700 Nicollet Mall in downtown Minneapolis. Listed below is a page that has some photographs of the statue. It doesn't cost anything to walk over to the newsroom and take a peek at the young lady who is determined to make it on her own. In contrast to the Amway ambot horde! They will never be able to make it!

Segway Tours are available. At $80 for a 2 or 3 hour Segway tour around town, it's a tad on the high side, but it's still far less expensive than wasting $125 to be brainwashed at an Amway convention.

I've found the much-desired zoo in town, and I'm overjoyed. The Minnesota Zoo is located in St. Paul, Minnesota. It's almost as expensive as the zoo up in Calgary, at $18 per person. Seniors and children are charged $12 each.

The Minneapolis Institute of Arts receives excellent reviews on Trip Advisor. And it's completely free!

Bridge with a Stone Arch Who would like to cross the Mississippi River on foot? It's a Kodak moment!

OK. In Minneapolis, I was able to locate the ideal location for me. Surly Beer, indeed! Free tour available at Free beer will be provided. I'm not sure what else I can say except that those schnooks up in Calgary who are dealing with the huge rock problem should pay attention. FREE! Not a rip-off of $25!!!

Here are some additional key terms to assist Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) in finding their path because the bastards in their upline are not willing to assist with this top secret information. And since there are a bunch of naive Amway ambots who believe they have the power to turn back time and have entered the following into their Google search engines: Amway WWDB Spring Leadership 2012 is now available! And here's one more for the Amway jerk who is already planning for the following year! Amway WWDB Spring Leadership 2014 is a group of women who work in the Amway WWDB. Yes, Amway bots have been so fucking brainwashed by their Amway cult masters that they have no idea what year it is anymore.

The Orleans Arena will host the event from April 12 – 14, 2013 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The Spokane Arena will host the event from April 19th through April 21st, 2013.

The Modern, in Honolulu, Hawaii, will host the show from April 21 - 22, 2013.

The Hyatt Dulles in Washington, DC will host the event on April 27-28, 2013.

The Denver Merchandise Mart Plaza will host the event on April 27 – 28, 2013 in Denver, Colorado.

Calgary, Alberta is a city in Canada. The Calgary Stampede Corral will host the event on May 3 – 5, 2013.

Amway is a jerk!

WWDB is a snoozer!

Amway WWDB Spring Leadership is a complete disaster!

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