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Monday, September 6, 2021

Getting Prospected By An Amway Ambot

 A reader shares their personal experience......

In the beginning, I told myself that I wasn't going to read any of the blogs because Amway had already wasted four hours of my time. However, these have been extremely enjoyable reads, and I'm still financially and time-wise ahead of the game because I didn't bother to sign up with Amway in the beginning.

Even if this isn't my sole post about the three meetings I've attended, I can at least keep myself on track by posting in small chunks throughout the day....

I had a hunch that the most recent Amway meeting would be more MLM/Amway/Quixstar BS, and I was right. My "new sponsor" and I were having some communication issues, so I decided to give it a chance. When I arrived to the meeting, existing members and the "goons" stationed around the perimeter informed me that I should take the front row because I was a newcomer. I politely declined, stating that I would want to remain in the last row. I stayed for perhaps 20 minutes, playing games on my phone, until I realised I had to leave. The moment I walked out the door, my "sponsor" and several other "sponsors" were waiting outside the door, ready to present us with the prospect of becoming an IBO and/or attending the convention in three weekends.

I informed him that I would prefer to just keep working at my current job. After several failed attempts to persuade me to join, my "sponsor" enlisted the assistance of a "senior goon" to assist him. This group of men has mastered the art of saying all the right things while completely omitting the crucial information. I give them my highest recommendation. How aggressively they try to get you to sign up for such things is just outright scary in its aggressiveness. They say things like this when you sign up for something "What would you say if another person like you came across this opportunity and wanted to join but you didn't take advantage of it? If the population of [whatever country he believes you're from] is [whatever that figure is], what would you say? What do you think about it if another individual who is similar to you decides to join? "..... I don't care, but I can see how they might be attempting to get their hooks into you with that one. They also ask, "Do you think your friends will be able to assist you if you have financial difficulties?" If I have a problem paying my rent or bills, I can't guarantee that the friends I've known for years will be able to assist me, but I can assure you that it will not be you guys.

Then they inform you that the big convention that is coming up is a fantastic opportunity to learn even more about their field. Heh... at the meeting, one of the films literally had nothing but buzz words like "empower" flash by... it tells you absolutely NOTHING about what it's like to be an IBO, doesn't it? When you ask why, they respond with "you're going to waste the gas anyway, so just check it out." The distance between where we were and the convention centre is 115 miles, which is "heh." Even if I had a major event planned, it was not going to require me to travel 230 miles round trip. In this case, I wouldn't have to spend more than $100 for a ticket, much alone $100 to $150 per night for a hotel, and reading this blog confirms my hunch that this is the same bullshit on a larger scale... a larger room packed with more suckers, more jewels, and now with higher ups beyond them.

I've learnt my lesson: even in difficult economic times, when someone presents you with a business proposition such as this, ask the following three questions... Question: "Is this Amway/Quixstar/MLM? Tell them you need to know whether it is a yes or a no. The phrase "it's an e-commerce business" should be used instead. I hope that didn't take too long to read... I tried to keep it as brief as possible, but it felt nice to get this out there.

The same can be said for these guys: they are manipulative, overly/fake pleasant, and creepy all at once.

Exploring the Experience of Being Prospected by an Amway Ambot, Including Its Myths and Realities


Individuals have the option to become independent distributors and earn an income through product sales and creating a network of downline distributors through multi-level marketing (MLM) firms like Amway, which have become well-known in the business world. These organizations provide individuals the chance to become independent distributors. Getting prospected by an Amway distributor, often known as a "Amway Ambot," may be an interesting and, at times, difficult experience. However, the process itself can be quite rewarding. During this in-depth conversation, we are going to go into the realm of getting prospected by an Amway Ambot. We will examine the encounter, the strategies that are utilized, the realities of becoming a distributor, and the significance of critical thinking.

The Encounter: The initial contact with an Amway Ambot almost always takes place in an unexpected manner. This could take the form of a phone call, a message on social media, or even a chance meeting in person. The Ambot, who is typically a person you just faintly recognize or have never met before, will initiate a pleasant chat with you in order to create rapport. They might ask about your health and well-being, show interest in what's going on in your life, and make the atmosphere conducive to dialogue by doing so. As the discussion continues, there will be a discernible shift in their focus towards an exciting opportunity that they wish to discuss with you.

Techniques Employed by Amway Ambots Amway Ambots are highly trained professionals that are adept at employing a variety of techniques in order to capture your interest and entice you to join their network. These strategies consist of:

Invitations that are not entirely clear An Ambot may send you an invitation to a gathering or function without explaining why you should go. They pique your interest by saying that they have something truly incredible to show you that has the ability to alter the course of your life. This strategy is meant to pique your interest and make you more open to the message that they are trying to convey.

Manipulation of emotions: Amway Ambots frequently relate their own personal stories of triumph over adversity financially or dramatic changes in their own lives. These tales are intended to evoke strong feelings in the listener, prompting them to identify with the characters' experiences and yearn for a similar resolution in their own lives. They want to elicit an emotional response from you in the hopes of persuading you to give their business idea some consideration.

Because of their involvement in the Amway business, Ambots may give off the impression that they lead a successful and luxurious lifestyle. They might boast about their extravagant vacations, costly automobiles, or other manifestations of their money and success. These examples are intended to motivate you and make you want to aspire to live a lifestyle that is comparable to theirs.

When discussing the Amway opportunity, Ambots have a tendency to play down the possible dangers and problems that are involved in the business. They emphasize the potentially limitless earning possibilities, the adaptability of working hours, and the opportunity to be your own boss. They hope that by concentrating on the positives, they can silence any reservations or questions that you might have.

The psychological manipulation technique known as the "love bomb" involves lavishing an individual with enormous amounts of affection, attention, and flattery. Ambots may lavish you with praise, praising your virtues, intelligence, or potential. They may also highlight your potential. Because of this tactic's ability to generate feelings of debt and duty, it becomes significantly more difficult to reject their proposition.

The Facts You Need to Know Before Joining Amway as a Distributor

If you want to explore the business opportunity offered by Amway, you'll embark on a path that includes numerous crucial components, including the following:

Product concentration and inventory: If you become an Amway distributor, you will be strongly encouraged to promote a diverse selection of the items that the company has available for purchase. The necessity of making an upfront purchase of merchandise, on the other hand, may provide you with a difficult obstacle. Amway strongly recommends that its distributors have inventory on hand, even though doing so may require a sizeable additional financial outlay. Keeping track of inventory and making sure it won't go bad might turn into an ongoing source of anxiety.

Building a network is essential to the success of the Amway business model, and this network of distributors is referred to as your "downline." It is necessary to constantly prospect for new distributors, conduct follow-ups, provide support, and conduct training in order to keep existing distributors. It can take a lot of time and put a lot of emotional strain on you, especially if you have to deal with rejection or

if the people you attract have a hard time being successful.

Amway's compensation plan is complicated, and it might be difficult to comprehend it in its entirety due to the commission structure and potential income it offers. Commissions are paid to distributors based not just on the sales volume of the products they sell themselves but also on the sales volume of their downline. Although it is possible to make a considerable income with Amway, doing so typically takes a major investment of both time and energy on the part of the distributor. A significant number of distributors report that the income they bring in does not live up to their early projections.

Developing a profitable Amway business is not something that can be done on the side or in one's spare time. Distributors are strongly urged to commit a sizable portion of their time to attending meetings, training sessions, and events including prospecting. Finding a happy medium between the needs of the company and those of other elements of life can be difficult.

Saturation of the market as well as skepticism: Because Amway has been in business for a number of decades, the company has achieved market saturation in a variety of communities and social circles. As a result of this saturation, it may become challenging to locate new consumers and recruits. In addition, the multi-level marketing (MLM) sector as a whole, including Amway, has been subjected to criticism and suspicion over the course of the years, making it difficult to dispel preconceived assumptions and establish trust with prospective customers.

Critical Thinking and Analysis It is essential to approach every potential business opportunity, whether it be getting prospected by an Amway Ambot or any other kind, with critical thinking and analysis. This is especially true when being approached by an Amway Ambot. Consider the following important aspects of the situation:

Thorough investigation It is imperative that you carry out exhaustive research on Amway, including its goods, business model, compensation scheme, and success rates. Acquiring an understanding of the potential hazards, difficulties, and benefits of being a distributor is essential.

Personal objectives and circumstances: Reflect on your personal goals, values, and circumstances. Think about whether or not the Amway opportunity will help you achieve your long-term goals, and evaluate whether or not you have the resources, time, and dedication necessary to be successful in this endeavor.

Consult with persons who have prior experience working in the multi-level marketing sector (MLM), but also look for assistance from impartial sources that are able to offer objective perspectives and viewpoints. Because of this, you will have a better chance of gaining a comprehensive knowledge of the offer.

Considerations pertaining to finances Conduct an analysis of your current financial standing to determine if you are in a position to pay the initial startup expenses associated with beginning an Amway business. Think about the possible return on investment, as well as the amount of time it might take for you to recoup the initial expenditure.

possibilities for personal growth: Recognize that participation in the Amway business can bring possibilities for personal growth, such as the improvement of communication skills, the building of confidence, and the learning of entrepreneurship. You should, however, consider the overall viability and longevity of the company model before giving too much weight to these prospective benefits.

Getting prospected by an Amway Ambot can be an exciting experience; nevertheless, it is vital to approach it with critical thought and judgment in order to make the most of the opportunity. The strategies that Ambots use are intended to fascinate and stimulate interest; nonetheless, it is essential to undertake extensive study, examine the realities of becoming a distributor, and take into consideration your particular objectives and the situations in which you find yourself. If you take an approach that is educated, you will be able to make a decision that is in line with your long-term goals and will increase the likelihood of your being successful.

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