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Monday, September 6, 2021

Don’t Pay Your Rent!

 How many of you remember going to Amway meetings and listening to the cult leader wax lyrical about the upcoming Amway major function, how it's the most anticipated event of the year, a once in a lifetime chance, a function that shouldn't be missed? Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah.

For most ambots, the cost of attending these activities that always appear to be a LONG LONG LONG LONG way out of town may run into the hundreds of dollars when you factor in the cost of the ticket, transportation, accommodation, and food. Sure, purchasing the ticket for $125 is the cheapest portion, but when you add everything up, including the fact that the ambot must bring along the amford wife, it adds up to a lot of money to attend some messed up Amway brainwashing conference.

The most common reason given by ambots is that they cannot afford to travel. Then sit back and watch as the fucking jerks in their Amway upline yell and abuse them, humiliating them in front of other Amway representatives at meetings. Of course, the Amway cult leader has a counter-argument for any problem that someone has. During Scamway meetings, the most typical one I heard was to lower your costs somewhere else so that you can attend the Amway function. This included eliminating other costs that had nothing to do with Amway, of course. You want to make sure you're putting as much money as possible into the Amway scam so that your upline can make money off of you. This year's Amway convention would be Family Reunion, Dream Night, Spring Leadership, or Free Enterprise Days FED, according to World Wide Dream Builders WWDB.

The most popular option provided by the Amway cult leader to his members was to skip paying your rent..........................................

In other words, what kind of fucking bullshit advise is that? It's the usual "consult with your Amway upline" nonsense, to be honest.

It is likely that whoever owns the house or apartment that the ambot is renting operates a business and has financial commitments that rely on the rent to pay the mortgage and other liabilities associated with that building. It is possible that some Amway jerk decides to follow the advise of their upline and not pay their rent, resulting in the building owner being placed in financial hardship. Why should someone who is not a member of Amway suffer a financial loss? If you fail to pay your rent, you will return home to find an eviction notice taped to your door. Depending on where you live, you may have one day, one week, or even one month to pay your rent or vacate the premises. If your explanation to your landlord is that you spoke with your Amway upline and were advised to skip your rent so that you could use the money to attend an Amway function, that isn't going to fly. The landlord will be looking for a renter who will be on time with their rent payments.

Suppose you're an ambot and you follow the advice of your fucking asshole Amway upline and you don't pay your rent and get evicted, you're going to be out on your ass very quickly. Is the jerk who gave you that dreadful piece of advise going to let you move into his home with him? No, most likely not, but you never know. Some ambots prefer to live in close quarters with their friends in a small space. In a two-bedroom apartment, how many ambots can you fit in there? 25?

When Amway cult leaders advise you to skip your rent so that you can attend an Amway activity, you should inquire as to what their plans are for when you are evicted from your home. If they do not receive a response, tell them to fuck themselves. You'll need a location to call home. Don't be a fool and follow the advice of those obnoxious Amway ambots. What matters to them is that you are alive and well, no matter what your situation is. All they want is your money, and they will use any methods necessary to obtain it.

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