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Monday, September 6, 2021

Child Of Amway Ambot Shares Story Part 1

 What about the offspring of Amway ambots? Don't you feel sorry for them? What a miserable existence it must be for a child to witness their family being torn apart by this cult. Amway cult leaders and a box of soap are worshipped by Amway parents, who destroy their relationships with their children in order to adore them. There's nothing quite like being a kid and discovering that your father considers a can of XS piss water to be more important than you to make you feel inadequate. Here is the first instalment of this teen's narrative....

I don't have the time to put out my complete storey right now, so I'll just say that my mother joined Amway 14 years ago and hasn't looked back. She went through phases of being extremely and slightly less interested in it. Amway was one of the primary reasons for my parents' divorce (the other being my father's alcoholism, which was brought on by depression brought on by Amway). In addition, Amway ended up ruining her marriage, her relationship with me (I am nearly 16 now), as well as her relationship with my younger sister (a strange bond that I am unable to define), as well as her friendships and her family. She believes that my grandmother (her mother) and I are conspiring against her, and she has a strained connection with her brothers. Clearly, she has been brainwashed and does not possess any common sense at all. It's impossible to have a conversation with her about it. I attempted several times, but each time simply resulted in tears from both of us, further damaging our already damaged relationship. Her love for my sister and me is undeniable, and she is a wonderful mother who provides excellent care for us. However, her mind tricks and insistence on making me feel guilty about everything, along with her control freak attitude, almost cause me to lose my mind completely. I'm keeping my sanity by conversing with my buddies about everything (the close ones who know about it and understand it). I can't and won't tell my full experience here because it's too long, too complicated, and, to be honest, far too personal for this forum. I just want to point you that Amway and Network 21 are scams that have the potential to devastate people's life.

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