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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Amway Business Owner Or Amway Customer - Which Are You?

 IBO is an abbreviation for Independent Business Owner. The vast majority of Amway representatives consider themselves IBOs, or independent business owners. For some, the idea of owning a business is appealing. It appears as though you are accomplishing something, and it may even appear as though being a business owner confers some sort of social standing. It is one of the factors that may persuade someone to join the Amway opportunity, and it is a valid cause. It was a minor aspect in piqueing my interest when I was first presented with the "plan" several years ago.

According to what I've seen and heard on Amway-related websites and forums, the vast majority of those interested in the Amway opportunity are not business owners themselves. They are merely customers in this case. The customers are both clients of Amway and clients of the system, which includes voicemail, cds, books, and seminars, among other things. Is this all a little confusing? Consider the implications of this. Many groups encourage people to "purchase from themselves" and to persuade others to do the same. In the event that you are a member of one of these organisations, you are being educated to be a loyal Amway and system customer, and nothing more or less. By providing you a small rebate every month, both Amway and the system profit from your continued patronage, and they deceive you into believing that you are getting a fantastic price on your purchases. If you are successful in recruiting enough gullible people into your downline, you will eventually be able to leverage their purchases in order to generate a little profit. While it is possible to build an impressive fan base, this will come at the expense of the people who put their trust in you enough to join up and follow your updates.

If you take a moment to consider the nature of a business, you will realise that it cannot survive without clients.. I can't think of any enterprises where there are little or no customers, and I'm sorry. What makes you think the Amway opportunity will be any different? If you are your own greatest customer, or if you are your only customer, you may not even be considered a business owner, but rather a customer of Amway and a customer of the system in general. Consider the following for a moment.

If there are no sales to customers or to those who are not Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs), any profit is simply taken out of the pockets of those who work in the Amway system. When you receive a rebate, you are merely reclaiming a portion of your original investment. You have not made any actual money as a result of your efforts. Selling to third-party customers is the only method to create significant income. Money is being injected into the system, or the Amway economy, to put it another way. If this is not the case, an IBO is simply a glorified client who generates revenues for Amway and the tools systems.

So, do you consider yourself a business owner or a customer?

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