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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

IBOFightback Exploits Amway IBOs?

 I'm not sure what it is about Joecool that has IBOFightback aka David Steadson and Tex aka Scott Johnson so obsessed. They have continued to spread slander against me and to incorrectly refer to me as "Steve" on social media platforms. However, since IBOFightback aka David Steadson has all of these Amway contacts and things, he should be able to find out whatever he needs about a "Steve" who was in Amway under the Harimoto diamondship at one point in the mid 1990s. Tex is just an obsessive compulsive imbecile.

Around 2003, IBOFightback became a regular participant in the Amway debate. In a relatively short period of time, he posted over 5000 posts on the Quixtar Blog Forum over the course of around 2-3 years. In recent years, he has been largely quiet on that discussion platform. His entrance prompted the creation of numerous blogs and Amway-related forums, which he continued long after. He also shared his thoughts and blog links on hundreds, if not thousands, of other connected websites, as well as on his own website. According to his own words, he does not appear to be putting up any regular and consistent effort to grow the Amway business.

According to my assessment, IBOFightback aka David Steadson merely exploits his forum as a means of advertising and profiting from the traffic generated by IBOs to his website. I don't believe he has any other purpose or justification to defend Amway other than a personal vendetta. His assaults on me are simply a means for him to make his tales more spectacular and to generate more revenue for his websites. Ironically, I feel that the traffic to IBOFB's website may be generating some good money for him. And, as I already stated, Tex is a complete fool. IBOFB is most likely more involved in the advertising business than in the Amway company.

That is my hypothesis, and others are welcome to add their thoughts.

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