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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

I Wanna Be Rich!

 I've included the lyrics to the song "I Want to Be Rich" in the section below. It was a song by a group known as "Calloway," and it was sung by them. It was frequently played at Amway or WWDB events. Ironically, I believe the group who played this song was referred to as a "one hit wonder" because they only had one hit. I guess they just had one hit song and never made it back into the top 40. I'm curious as to how many diamonds are one-hit wonders, qualifying for diamond club once and never returning? I'm curious as to how many gems wish they were "wealthy"? This past month, numerous organisations participated in a celebration dubbed Dream Night, during which the diamonds exhibited slide slides of houses, automobiles, and other displays of luxury. However, I'm curious as to how many diamonds can actually afford to live that lifestyle on their Amway earnings. I have a sneaking suspicion that the answer is minimal to none. But have a listen to the song. It's a lot of fun! m1FpY

I'm in desperate need of cash, and I need it now.

They are big debt collectors, and they call my phone.

They cause me problems when I'm not at home.

There ain't no time to be messing about right now.

See, I start with my feet on the ground and then I go down with my head.


I'm looking for money, lots and loads of money.

I'm looking forward to the pie in the sky.

I'm looking for money, lots and loads of money.

So please don't bother asking me why.

Oh, I really want to be wealthy.

Oh, I really want to be wealthy.

Oh, I really want to be wealthy.

I aspire to be wealthy, filled with love, serenity, and happiness.

I want my cake, and I want to eat it as well.

I would like to see the stars and the silver moon.

I spend all of my money on the lottery.

As you can see, my favourite number is 1 2 3.


In every aspect, he is wealthy.

Love, tranquilly, and happiness are three of life's greatest blessings.

I want to do all of the things that couples do together.

Dreams come true in a pocket full of them

Even goods that are difficult to get by

I'd like to have you by my side to keep you content and wealthy.

What we're going to do is as follows:

Say oh, I say uh uh, I say uh uh

Whoooaaa Whoooaaa Whoooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

It's necessary to be a baby.

All I want is to be wealthy.

I just want to be, I just want to be who I am.

Baby is the reason for this.


I aspire to be wealthy.

You understand what I'm talking about, darling.

I aspire to be wealthy

Every single day and in every way

I aspire to be wealthy, filled with love, serenity, and happiness.

Play, honey; there's much to do for the whole family.

I want to be wealthy, and I want to be wealthy.

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