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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Success = Control Of Time And Money?

 When I heard about the strategy, one of the first things that sprang to me was the importance of time and money, which the speaker spoke on extensively. He stated that while you may have money as a result of your job, you may not have enough time to do the things you enjoy doing. According to him, if you don't have a job, you may have a lot of free time, but you'll be broke and unable to do the things you enjoy doing. He also stated that having control over one's time and money is equivalent to having financial freedom. This concept appeals to a wide range of people and makes sense when viewed in the context of a larger life picture. What person wouldn't want to be able to retire early and have enough money to travel the world and just do things they enjoy? That was a concept with which I wholeheartedly agreed. The only difficulty was that I had first assumed I would be able to accomplish this through Amway.

Sad to say, practically every single IBO who registers for the Amway opportunity and the tools system will never be able to accomplish their dream of financial independence. According to an Amway recruiter, the business is straightforward, and you can achieve success by just purchasing products while encouraging others to replicate or repeat your efforts. Before long, you will be in complete control of your time and finances, and you will live "happily ever after." I was one among those who believed it at one point. Many others were duped into believing the deception as well. It gets worse because the key to accomplishing this was hidden between standing orders and functions. Yet another fabrication.

Rather from this being the case, the most likely scenario is that the business, with the system of CDs and operations, will cause you to have less time and money. Amway (and partner store) products are generally more expensive than those sold by your local large box retailer, and the prices of the systems mount up to at least several hundred dollars every month if you are a "CORE" member. As a result of the business and its associated activities, many people find themselves having less of what they had hoped to have more of. The functions and other teaching materials require the IBO to devote important time and resources, and they rarely result in any type of significant return on the investment. The vast majority of independent business owners would be better off staying out of it. A lot of independent business owners would be better off writing a $100 monthly check to their upline and not participating in any way.

Consider the value of your time and money. Is your income increasing or decreasing as a result of your involvement with Amway and the systems?

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