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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Working For Love?

 When I attended the WWDB conference, one of the things I heard presenters remark on a number of occasions was that nobody "loves" their job. They stated that if you were passionate about your career, you would work for nothing. David Steadson (IBOFightback), together with his mentally challenged sidekick Bridgett Baron, have falsely accused me of being the author of the "Married An Ambot" blog once again, this time without providing any evidence or proof to back up their claims. Joecool is often accused of being "obsessed" by his critics.

To be completely honest, I am a little obsessed with providing knowledge to Amway prospects and information seekers because I don't want them to be taken advantage of by upline leaders who, according to my research, are still teaching the same old garbage that was taught many years ago. Amway apologists such as Bridgett Baron have their heads so far up their fanny (ass) that they have difficulty distinguishing between up and down. Although she participates in a WWDB IBO blog that repeats the same nonsense I heard as an IBO 13 - 14 years ago, she maintains that the WWDB is changing for the better. Among the WWDB participants is a young man named Shaun, who appears to be a pleasant youngster who uses his blog as a chronicle of his experiences. While there, he talks about getting out of debt (which he claims to have accomplished with the help of Amway income) and saving money to buy a house in cash, getting a larger tax refund (despite claiming to make money in Amway), and he also mentions that IBOs have a 2 percent divorce rate, compared to people in the general population who have a 60 percent divorce rate. All of these things were taught to me by my WWDB uplines back in 1997 and 1998, when I was an independent business owner (IBO). Despite the fact that everything is clearly visible, foolish people such as Bridgett Baron continue to deny it. What is their plan for the future? Clearly, the vast majority of people that join Amway either accomplish little or nothing, and those who do work hard often find themselves in a position where they are losing money due to system fees such as voicemail, functions, and automatic standing orders. That is a proven fact. IBOFB and Bridgett Baron, on the other hand, appear to be uninterested in facts, but rather in promoting their own interpretation of the "Truth About Amway."

I'd also like to note out that some of my previous uplines and WWDB leaders, such as Greg Duncan and Brad Duncan, did not appear to be doing their jobs out of a sense of duty. Despite the fact that some WWDB leaders blatantly lied and claimed that Diamonds did not earn anything from tools, we now know that they lied and that they are/were likely compensated for every single appearance, with rank and file struggling IBOs bearing the brunt of the financial burden.

Yes, individuals do not go to work because they enjoy their jobs. Everyone requires a means of subsistence, so don't be deceived. Diamonds are also ineffective when it comes to romantic relationships. They work, most likely because they, like those who have jobs, must earn a living as well as everyone else. The fact that they may show you photographs of mansions and sports cars does not imply that they own them outright or even that they can afford them on a regular basis.

Over the years, a large number of people, probably tens of thousands of thousands, have suffered financial losses as a result of erroneous information, fraud, and lies used to recruit people into the Amway business opportunity. While it is possible that Amway was not at fault (directly), the truth remains that many of these people had negative experiences and suffered financial losses as a result. The facts are available to anybody who are interested in learning more about them. It is for this reason that Joecool has not yet decided to leave the blogging community.

I also think it's important to point out that IBOFightback and Bridgett Baron should cease defaming and libelling Joecool with their baseless charges that are devoid of any supporting evidence. In addition, there are lawyers in Hawaii. If you read this post, Anna Banana, you will be able to contribute to demonstrating that IBOFB and Bridgett Baron are merely obsessed Amway defenders who have proven themselves incorrect again again with their charges.

"I'm curious as to whether the IBOFB, aka David Steadson and Bridgett Baron, do their work out of love or for Amway?" :-) (Did you notice the smiley?)

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