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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Amway - Whose Dreams Were Built?

 As an independent business owner, I was a member of the Worldwide Dream Builders (WWDB) organisation. When recruiting, we frequently told prospects that we were with WWDB and did not mention Amway unless the prospect specifically inquired. If the prospect didn't inquire, we didn't tell him or her anything. According to reports, one of the attractions of WWDB was the ability to appear successful even if you were not. It's most likely why we were trained to "fake it till you make it" in some functions, as the saying goes. Essentially, the notion was to appear successful until you truly were successful in your endeavour. Unfortunately, there were just a few of people who were considered "successful.

In addition, the WWDB has scheduled a major event called "Dream Night." In total, approximately $65 to $75 per attendee was spent on this one-evening event, which included a sit-down meal. A slide show showcasing the diamond lifestyle took up a significant portion of the evening's proceedings. We saw mansions, yachts, jetskis, sports cars, and fabulous trips, as well as jewellery and other extravagant luxuries that were clearly not meant for the average person. However, you could have had all of this if you had simply followed the flawless WWDB system. My belief that these luxuries were truly owned by the diamonds was solid when I was an IBO, but I now question whether they were truly so. I have a sneaking suspicion that they were not. We were under the impression that the money these diamonds were intended to generate was limitless. I am well aware that the diamond lifestyle is not as lovely as they would have you believe.

Diamonds, it appears, are required to continue working. No of how long they were able to earn Amway money with no effort on their part, I believe their lucrative tools and functions income would cease the moment they quit running their Amway business full-time. I'm aware that Amway is reporting that sales are up and retention of independent business owners (IBOs) is up, particularly in the North American market. (I'm curious as to whether or not those reports are accurate.)

Anyway, returning to the matter, I'd like to pose the following inquiry. In how many cases has someone's involvement with Worldwide Dreambuilders resulted in the realisation of their dreams? According to reports, David Shores' property was foreclosed upon. Greg Duncan appears to have experienced the same fate as his predecessor, as well as some involvement with bankruptcy. Brad Wolgamott, along with Dean Kosage, is no longer with his wife or WWDB, as previously reported. I'm not aware of any new WWDB diamonds being reported, and in fact, I believe there are fewer diamonds in WWDB now than there were when I was a member of the IBO. Where have all the gems gone? Where have all the dreams gone? Whose hopes and dreams have been realised? On the other hand, I have witnessed people's financial situations deteriorate, with WWDB being a significant contributor to the situation.

If you are being prospected or are looking for information on WWDB or other LOS groups, you should inquire as to where the success is occurring. Photographs of checks or photographs of sports cars will not be accepted as proof. Inquire about legitimate financial records in the same way that real business owners do. If you require any additional information, my contact information may be found on my profile. Wishing you the best of luck!

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