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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Bring It On!

 It has been a long time since my dear friend nicknamed Anonymous from Scarborough, Canada, has appeared on the scene. He is still vilifying jobs and praising Amway, despite the fact that he has changed his tune. And he is certainly welcome to express his (misguided) point of view. This particular anonymous visitor has been coming to Joecool's site for more than three years. That is more than enough time for someone to have generated a profit from an Amway business venture. So, anonymous from Canada, why don't you prove your point once and for all? Joecool's site has not been shut down as a result of your irrational threats and bogus revenue claims.

As a matter of fact, IBOs and Amway advocates who overstate income statements do more harm to Amway's reputation than any other critic. Numerous critics are often willing to share their own personal experiences, which frequently involves discussing the bizarre actions of their former upline. What I find extremely amusing is when an Amway defender claims that a critic's experience is outdated or that their legal department does not conduct this type of thing. When this happens, you can almost always find an IBO on a forum discussing the identical subject that was rejected. For example, Bridgett Baron, a creepy Amway defender, says that her beloved WWDB has been reformed and that they are no longer the same as they were a dozen years ago. Then I come across a WWDB IBO blog where he (the IBO) mentions seeing the Duncans at functions and how WWDBers have a 2 percent divorce rate, compared to a 60 percent divorce rate for the rest of the world. This got me thinking. It never fails to wow.

So, IBOs, I encourage you to go for it. However, if you make allegations, I challenge you to provide evidence to support them. Where has the money gone that you claim to have? Where have all of these people gone who are no longer affiliated with Amway but are still making a good living off of residual money gone? Why is it that no one can come up with a new name for them if they are out there? What is the reason that none of the royal ambassadors has taken advantage of the opportunity to walk away and collect income? Why doesn't Amway promote residual and willable income if it truly is an advantage of being an Independent Business Owner? People are forced to justify higher pricing and apparently higher quality for no apparent reason. What is it about these high-quality products that doesn't attract more customers? Why do individuals have to be conned into attending meetings in the first place? What was the reason for the foreclosure of some WWDB diamonds' homes? Because Amway's defenders take things personal by attacking the messenger rather than the message, it's difficult to understand why. If the system has been proven, why is there no independent documentation of success?

For those seeking information, I hope this letter provides you with an alternate point of view and allows you to see the questions that have been cloaked in secret. Hopefully, this letter has provided you with food for thought. If you are considering becoming engaged with Amway or another multi-level marketing company, you can expect your cognitive process to be stimulated. Joecool's blog will continue to exist as long as there is evidence that things are truly changing for the better.

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