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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Taking Action Can Curb Criticism

 My blogging experience has taught me that Amway is a highly contentious topic. There are several well-established Amway critics, as well as some well-established Amway defenders, in the world. The differences between the two, on the other hand, are significant. A common complaint among critics is that the business opportunity has weaknesses, and the training procedures are useless. Amway's staunchest advocates have at times resorted to personal attacks and side-tracking the debate in order to protect the company. One of Amway's staunchest advocates was even referred to as a "cyber bully" by a corporate blogger for the company. Many issues are extremely obvious to anyone who takes the time to look. I'll go into greater detail about these difficulties.

The compensation model is designed to support a large number of downline members while only a few upline members are compensated. Many IBOs at the platinum level claim to have a downline of roughly 100 people under them. This lends credence to the hypothesis that only roughly 1 percent of IBOs ever achieve platinum status, and that only a small fraction of 1 percent ever achieve levels higher than platinum status. So your realistic possibility of attaining platinum is substantially lower than 1 percent when you take into account folks who sign up and do nothing or people who sign up and soon walk away from a website or application.

The tool systems are woefully insufficient in their effectiveness. Even the most dedicated IBOs, excluding those who do nothing, have less than a 1 percent chance of earning a big income from Amway, even if they follow the recommendations of their upline. When looking at the groups as a whole, it is simple to see that this is the case.

Uplines frequently take advantage of their downline's financial situation. Evidence suggests that certain upline members promote unethical corporate practises, for which they are compensated (tool profit). In some cases, improper advice is given, such as buying from oneself and reinvesting any gains into purchasing more tools, or just telling a failed IBO to keep working hard and be committed to the system. Amway advocates make ludicrous arguments that these abuses do not exist merely because there are no testimonies on the internet from former independent business owners (IBOs) who worked for the company. We are aware that hundreds of thousands of IBOs may be present at activities around the country who are subjected to the same terrible counsel, but who, out of embarrassment or because they were sponsored by family and friends, choose to walk away and not share their negative experiences.

Some of these abuses appear to have been brought to Amway's attention; however, there is no clear evidence that these abuses have been addressed in any meaningful way. (See Postma Memo or Directly Speaking for more information.) Despite the fact that some procedures, such as accreditation, have been implemented, these measures appear to be purely cosmetic. The fact that Amway revealed that there are around 4 Independent Business Owners (IBOs) for every one client implies that they must be aware that IBOs are not generating enough sales to qualify for their bonus payments. However, I have yet to hear of an IBO who was rejected a bonus because he or she did not match the required sales volume.

All of these are legitimate concerns. If these concerns are rectified, the vast majority of critics, including myself, will be unable to continue. According to my knowledgeable judgement, Amway does not require defenders; rather, they should consider taking corrective measures.

Everyone, at some point in their lives, will experience criticism, whether it is in their personal or professional lives. Criticism is something that everyone will confront. Even though it may be challenging to deal with criticism, taking action can often help to put an end to it and avoid it from developing into a more significant issue. In this post, we will discuss how taking action can assist to defuse negative feedback that has been directed your way.

In the first place, it is essential to have an understanding of the fact that criticism can originate from a wide variety of sources, and that it may be challenging to please everyone. Taking action, on the other hand, can frequently be of assistance in addressing some of the concerns that are the source of the criticism. You can take action, for instance, if someone criticizes your work by asking for input from other people, enrolling in additional training or courses to improve your skills, or simply asking for assistance or direction from your coworkers.

You are demonstrating that you are willing to face the issue at hand and that you are committed to better yourself by taking action. This alone may be sufficient to assuage some of the criticism leveled at you and demonstrate to your detractors that you are treating the matter seriously.

In addition, taking action might be of assistance in preventing criticism from developing into a more significant issue. For instance, if you are receiving criticism for missing a deadline, taking the necessary steps to engage with your team and make certain that the deadline is reached will stop the criticism from becoming even more severe. This can also help to prevent misunderstandings or miscommunications, both of which are potential root causes of criticism in the first place.

It is also essential to keep in mind that taking action does not necessarily mean that you are required to change everything about yourself or the way that you perform your work. It might be as easy as improving how well you communicate with one another, soliciting input, or making some minor tweaks to the way you go about your work. There are instances when even the most inconspicuous of deeds can have a significant influence and assist to deter criticism.

Finally, taking action can help to create trust and credibility with individuals who are criticizing you by demonstrating that you are willing to respond to their concerns. You may demonstrate that you are a dependable and trustworthy people by demonstrating that you are eager to address their problems and take steps to improve. It is possible that this will help to soothe their anxieties and avert further criticism.

In conclusion, taking action can be an effective method for reducing criticism and preventing it from developing into a more significant issue. You may show your critics that you are devoted to improving and that you are willing to take action to address their problems if you address their concerns, seek feedback, and make tiny improvements to the processes that you use to do your work. This can assist to create trust and credibility, minimize misunderstandings, and eventually lead to an environment at work that is more positive and productive.

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