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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

There's No PV In Watching TV?

 One of the things our upline insisted on teaching us was that there is no PV in television. They encouraged the group to stay away from television, newspapers, and other forms of mass communication. This cult-like strategy appeared to be their way of ensuring that we avoided any unfavourable experiences that would have an impact on our thinking. As if IBOs didn't need to be informed of any new developments. After all, your upline will tell you what to do and how to vote, therefore there is no need for IBOs to educate themselves on political topics. When you look back, you have to question how in the world your upline would be aware of what was going on in the globe if they were following their own recommendations.

It is true that there is no gain in PV for watching television, but IBOs participate in a variety of activities that do not result in a gain in PV. Attending a function or paying attention to a standing order will not earn you any PV. Attending a night owl event or hanging out with your upline will not get you any PV. When it comes to PV, IBOs should be out selling things and developing contacts with potential customers, not sitting at their desks doing nothing. A popular strategy for running a business is to "purchase from oneself," which is taught by some groups that believe that selling is unnecessary.

As a result, IBOs devote so much of their time to non-income producing activities that it's no surprise that the majority of IBOs end up with a net loss after company expenses are taken into account. And to make matters worse, independent company owners (IBOs) conduct their operations on the internet, although it is against Amway policy to market their items on websites such as eBay or Craigslist. Instead, independent business owners employ the least efficient methods of conducting their operations. It is a person to person exchange, one at a time. Many people believe that the only method to raise PV volume is to sponsor downline members. Even many IBOs who place a strong emphasis on selling appear to have no more than a small number of regular customers. But what can you expect when your primary means of expanding your business is through one-on-one contact with customers? Because your message will be seen by tens or hundreds of millions of people at the same time, advertising during the Super Bowl is extremely expensive for a reason. IBOs approach people one by one, one at a time.

The expression "there's no PV in watching TV" is a common saying in the Amway company. It is typically used to urge Amway Independent company Owners (IBOs) to focus on expanding their business and creating income, rather than wasting time on unproductive activities such as watching television. In other words, the statement "there's no PV in watching TV" refers to the fact that there is no potential for profit in watching television.

In the Amway company, the volume of products sold by Independent company Owners (IBOs) and their downline teams is referred to as "Point Value," or "PV." PV is utilized in the computation of bonuses and commissions, and the more PV that is created by an IBO and their team, the greater the earning potential of that IBO and their team.

IBOs are reminded by the expression "there's no PV in watching TV" that time is an important resource, and that they should make efficient use of their time by concentrating on activities that generate personal volume (PV) and revenue. On the other hand, engaging in activities such as watching television are regarded as unproductive and do not contribute in any way to the expansion of the Amway business.

Watching television is not a productive use of time for people who are serious about developing a successful Amway business. Watching television may be a pleasurable way to unwind or relax, but it is not an effective use of time for those who are serious about building a great Amway business. IBOs that want to be successful in the Amway industry need to have a singular focus, strong self-discipline, and a willingness to put in the necessary time and effort to create their businesses.

IBOs are strongly discouraged from spending their time watching television in favor of engaging in activities that create PV. Some examples of these activities include prospecting for new customers and team members, following up with leads, attending training events and meetings, and pushing Amway products to their respective networks.

The expression "there's no PV in watching TV" serves as a reminder to Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) that time is a valuable resource, and that they should concentrate their efforts on things that generate PV and income. Watching television is not a constructive use of time for those who are serious about developing a successful Amway business. Watching television can be an enjoyable way to pass the time, but it is not a productive use of time for those who are serious about building a great Amway business. IBOs have the ability to develop a successful business and accomplish the financial objectives they set for themselves if they concentrate on productive tasks and make efficient use of their time.

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