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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

2-5 Years To Riches?

 The Amway diamonds are careful not to imply that Amway is a get-rich-quick scheme in their advertisements. I've heard it said that Amway is a "get rich slowly" company. The diamond industry, I assume, does not want prospects to believe that the deal is too good to be true. But, on a more practical level, isn't 2-5 years to early retirement and a lifetime income a get rich quick scheme in disguise?

Several very important points must be made in order for information seekers and Amway prospects to be aware of them: According to Amway, the majority of independent business owners (IBOs) quit in less than a year, the majority of IBOs never sponsor anyone, and less than half of IBOs ever lift a finger to do anything. So, based on this information, how can anyone build a financial empire that will pay them for the rest of their lives? I believe the answer is fairly self-evident.

Some groups have made changes to their plans in order to make them appear more achievable or reasonable, but the outcomes have remained the same. Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) fail and drop out of the company like flies, but upline still wants you to believe that you can build a residual income empire with a majority of your down line who can't sponsor anyone and is likely to quit before they do anything.

The only thing I can imagine is that upline has been suffering as a result of covid and is doing everything they can to suck every penny out of down line. Amway's financial results for the previous year should be released next month. Sales on the internet have soared to unprecedented heights. Was Amway's sales soaring, or did they remain stagnant as they have been for a number of years? I have my suspicions, but I'll hold off on making any statements until I see the numbers.

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