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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Build It Right, Build It Once?

 When I was younger, one of the things my upline taught me was how to build your business correctly the first time. You'd be the one. The ability to "walk away" and enjoy residual income for the rest of your life while the income continues to flow indefinitely and you can live happily ever after. This sounds like a fantastic deal, doesn't it?

If it were true, it would be a fantastic deal, but it is more than likely complete nonsense. Build it right the first time and only build it once? So, what happens to the 50 percent or more of Amway employees who quit within the first year, as well as the nearly 100 percent of employees who don't last five years in the company? How can income be sustained when so many independent business owners (IBOs) never do anything and approximately half of those who quit do not re-start their businesses?

If IBOs come and go like there is a revolving door for entering and exiting the business, how does a business generate income in this situation? If the diamond is no longer there, who will hold the company together and who will provide assistance to the leaders who are left behind? It's similar to constructing a sand castle on the beach. Even though the sand castle may remain standing for a short period of time, once the tide comes in, the waves will quickly destroy it. When someone leaves an Amway business, it is similar to how attrition will eat away at a company's profits.

Even if this ridiculous claim were true, why hasn't anyone taken advantage of this opportunity? Surely there would be a few good examples of people doing just that, walking away to a quiet retirement in privacy and untold wealth. As a result, we see the same old, worn-out diamonds schlepping tools and functions to the bottom line over and over again. IMO, it has reached the point where these diamonds should be ashamed of themselves for pushing tools and functions down the chain.

It is impossible for the diamonds to walk away because once they do, the income stops. For a while, there may be some residual income, but the diamond will become ineligible if a platinum or two down line fall out of qualification at the same time. And this is due to the fact that the Amway business, with its high attrition, is simply not self-sustaining. Rather than taking my word for it, find a few IBOs who built it once and built it right, then walked away to enjoy life-long residual income as a result of their efforts.

Please feel free to return to this page and report your discoveries.

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