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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

The Problem?

 In order for you to join Amway and follow their recommendations, Amway diamonds prefer to paint rosy pictures of what your life can be like for you. Basically, they claim that if you simply follow their advice and do what they say, you will be able to obtain what they have. It's impossible to imagine anything more far from the truth. While there are the occasional diamonds who overcome the odds to qualify, the vast majority of people are failing and quitting, causing them to lose money in the process of doing so.

The problem is that far too many people place too much faith in their upline diamond, to the point where it becomes dangerous. It's similar to being drawn into a cult and suffering the consequences of following dangerous advice and engaging in dangerous behaviour. The upline diamond is only concerned with you for as long as you are a consumer of tools and functions provided by the company. If you walk away, you will be remembered as a bitter, gutless, broke loser and quitter. And how's that for the "magic friendship" that your upline has been pitching?

One of the problems for many rank and file IBOs is that they believe their upline is truly concerned about them when in reality, they are only concerned about the money you spend on tools and functions to supplement their extravagant lifestyle. But only if they don't use the tools to their full potential. Diamonds would not be able to find the magical diamond lifestyle that they portray, in my opinion.

According to Amway disclosures, a Q 12 diamond, which is extremely rare, is worth approximately $600,000 when sold. That is a substantial income, comparable to that of a professional football player in the National Football League who earns the league's minimum wage. Does that sound like enough money to pay off mansions and Ferraris in cash, though, to your mind? That is what diamonds claim to be, that they lead a cash-based existence. To add insult to injury, the average non Q12 diamond is worth less than $200,000. Is this the kind of income that enables you to live a first-class lifestyle in a first-world country?

Even though you could argue that they do not have a job, I believe that the majority of diamonds live an ordinary middle-class lifestyle after taxes and business expenses have been deducted. The downside is that they do so without the security of a regular source of income. Diamonds, on the other hand, are concerned about job security, which is why they put pressure on the rank and file downline to generate as much income as possible. If the diamonds didn't do this, I believe many of them would be in debt or living paycheck to paycheck like the rest of the country, with the exception of a few diamonds who are extremely fiscally responsible. However, how do you accomplish this while also maintaining a diamond lifestyle? This is the crux of the problem.

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