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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Be Accountable?

One of the most important aspects of being an Amway business owner, according to upline teaching, was the ability to hold oneself accountable. Keep your word and avoid the practise of writing bad checks on a regular basis. In order to recognise my achievement of 1000 PV, my upline issued me a bonus check, which was returned to me as unpaid. Is it possible to believe it? When I told my upline about it, she was extremely embarrassed and asked that I not be identified. Because my credibility had been thrown out the window, I began to upline and learn from some of their teaching at that point.

The value of time is immeasurable, and I recall my upline telling me that you should never be late or keep people waiting. As a result, I found it odd that the diamonds were consistently late to meetings and functions, which I thought was strange. In your case, it's a question of rules; in mine, it's not a question of rules. Similarly, IBOs are expected to dress in catalogue suits, whereas diamonds can dress however they wish because their income allows them to do so more affordably. So much for brand loyalty, don't you think?

Because the diamonds want IBOs to follow through on their promise to be CORE and, in particular, on their commitment to tools and functions, it is their intention to employ a double standard. Given the importance of this accountability teaching to upline, I believe that it is the primary reason for its existence, as stated in the mission statement. More Independent Business Owners (IBOs) would be expected to see through this, but far too many have been indoctrinated and are loyal to their upline leaders, as evidenced by the following statistics:

However, if you are open-minded or, at the very least neutral, it is not difficult to see through the self-serving advice and teaching provided by the upline and their organisation. Numerous instances have been documented in which upper management has taught complete and utter nonsense. One excellent example is to charge yourself full retail price and deduct that amount from your profit so that you can use the money to fund the tools and functions you need to run your business. When a new IBO makes a comment or repeats the insane teachings of their upline, it makes me feel a little sad on the inside of my heart. However, I'll save my thoughts on insane teaching for another article because they could go on for a long time.

You should think about the following question if you're an IBO or a prospect. Do your upline leaders hold themselves to a high standard of accountability? If you are of the opinion that this is true, please explain why. When following their instructions, is it possible that they will take legal action against themselves if you do not make a profit? Is it possible for them to be held liable if you follow their recommendations and still end up losing money? If you are able to provide an honest response to that question, there is still a chance for you.

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