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Tuesday, July 6, 2021


 Around 20 years ago, Amway attempted to rebrand themselves as an e-commerce company, which resulted in the company's name being changed to Quixtar in the process. Innovative recruiting strategies centred on the buzzword "e-commerce" were developed by independent business owners (IBOs). There were times when it was amusing to watch independent business owners (IBOs) deny that Quixtar was in any way affiliated with Amway, and this became a running joke.

Funny, because Quixtar Independent Business Owners (IBOs) entered into a partnership agreement with Amway, sold Amway products, participated in the Amway compensation plan, and received bonuses from the Amway corporation in exchange for their efforts on behalf of the Quixtar corporation. Those who were paying close attention to Amway with a critical eye found it pure entertainment to watch IBOs deny the existence of the relationship.

In light of Amazon's success, one would expect Quixtar to be even more successful than it has been thus far. Drop shippers are companies that allow you to shop online and have the items delivered to your door. While this concept was extremely successful during the days of covid 19, one would expect it to be even more successful during the days of covid 20. Right? The convenience of shopping without having to lift a finger and having it delivered to your door As a result, takeout pizza and food delivery services were in high demand during Covid 19, which was taking place at the same time.

Is it possible that Quixtar, which was later renamed Amway, missed out on the boom in e-commerce and online shopping because they were too small? As a result of a lack of demand for Amway products outside of the self-consumption demand of independent business owners, this, in my opinion, has occurred (IBOs). There are no formal studies that I am aware of, but it appears that Amway products are primarily used by independent business owners (IBOs) and their sympathising friends and family members who are not IBOs themselves.

Despite the fact that Amway products are generic in nature, they are sold at a premium price, which is not conducive to good sales when I can easily purchase similar or better products at a lower price on Amazon or even, to name a few locations. However, despite Amway's independent business owners (IBOs) denials, it appears that the company took a successful business model — online shopping — and turned it into a mediocre product. What if independent business owners (IBOs) decided to stop buying from themselves and instead concentrated solely on attempting to sell their products to other people? I'm guessing that Amway sales would suffer as a result of these circumstances?

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