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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Upline Control?

 The fact that my sponsor started acting strangely, telling me I needed to submit and listen to counsel, was one of the reasons why I decided to leave Amway. I thought it was strange that the only qualification for someone to counsel me was that they had worked for Jon Amway prior to me and that there was no other reason.

I recall attending a function where they stated that you needed to be teachable or coachable, but in reality what they wanted was for you to relinquish control over your own destiny. When it came to things like marriage, children, buying a car, and buying a house, they actually advised IBOs to check upline first. It was allegedly done so that they could assist you in making important life decisions, but the reality is quite different from that.

The reason your upline is so concerned about your important life decisions is not because they genuinely care about you and your Amway business, as many people believe. What they want is to ensure that you do not spend your discretionary funds on things that are not related to Amway. Instead of buying a new car, invest in additional tools and functions. Delay having children or purchasing a home in order to purchase more tools and functions.

The main theme will always be to conserve your discretionary funds for the purchase of tools and other functions. In the end, I never witnessed anyone put off a major purchase and instead saw them rewarded as a result of the money that was pouring in from Amway. The advice of upper management always leads the rank and file to spend more and more money on tools and functions.

At one point, I was seated in a function where the diamond instructed the audience on how long they could put off paying their mortgage before it was forced into foreclosure. Because they literally want your shirt off your back, they even taught you how long you could go without paying your bills before your water or electricity would be shut off.

However, upline's desire to have complete control over my life, to the point where it became bizarre, eventually led to my decision to leave my 4000 PV business. I informed everyone in my downline of what was going on, and everyone quit with me, with the exception of one or two very indoctrinated individuals who chose to believe the upline over me.

Finally, a fascinating but true storey to conclude. My first home was purchased in the year 2001. My house in Hawaii cost me $305,000 when I purchased it. My sponsor was also acquainted with the real estate agent who assisted me. She also advised my sponsor to purchase a home of his own. My former sponsor has stated that he will not purchase a home unless he has the cash to do so. The value of my $305,000 home has increased to a million dollars, and my former sponsor is still renting while saving up the necessary funds to purchase a home. Exactly this is the kind of harm that an upline can do to their loyal down line. Be cautious when following advice from your upline.

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