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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

IBOs Must Believe?

 Bloggers, best wishes for the New Year! I was prompted to write this post as a result of some recent comments I received. Due to the holidays, I've slowed down a little, but I intend to pick up the pace a little in 2021. So, you might be wondering what the subject of my title is. Many prospective employees are younger or have recently entered the workforce, and they must contend with the prospect of working 30-40 years while saving for retirement. It appears to be overwhelming, which is how the diamonds manage to lure you in.

They make it sound like working makes you a slave to your employer and that you must put up with it for decades before you can retire, and even then, your job is not guaranteed to remain secure. According to them, diamonds are the only ones who can break out of this cycle; therefore, joining Amway and becoming a diamond is the only way to do so.

Hey, 2-5 years of hard work and dedication to building it correctly will pay off and you will be financially independent. That is preferable to working 30 to 40 years at a full time job. Diamonds, on the other hand, hold the key to this financial nirvana. Simply enrolling in their "system" and following their recommendations will put you on the fast track to financial freedom. They maintain their faith and belief in the diamonds, despite the fact that they are not sprouting up everywhere like wildflowers. They believe that the diamonds will transport them to the promised land.

However, you might wonder why IBOs are so adamant about their belief in the system, despite the mountains of evidence to the contrary. The IBOs believe because they have no choice. What do they have to fall back on if they let go of their exaggerated expectations and aspirations? They resign themselves to the reality of working 30 to 40 years until they can retire, and then hoping that they will have enough money to live on in retirement.

However, if IBOs were to face the harsh reality that Amway will not deliver the lofty dreams that diamonds peddle to the down line, they would realise that there is no magic pixie dust that will bring about early retirement, short of winning the lottery, they would realise that there is no such thing as early retirement. Retirement necessitates careful planning and hard work. Sometimes one gets lucky and money just falls into their laps, but in the vast majority of cases, luck has little to do with being able to retire early.

IBOs, on the other hand, believe the diamonds because they have no choice. Anything less would be a harsh dose of reality delivered to them.

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