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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

The Key To Success?

 Upline would tell the audience over and over that the most important factors in achieving success are the tools and functions available to them. Although tools and functions are critical to success, they are only critical to the success of diamonds and higher-ranking officials, which is ironic in some ways. Take a moment to consider the ramifications of this. However, the diamonds fail to mention that a significant portion of their luxuries are derived from profits from tools and functions.

Prior to the invention of the diamond, diamonds would lie and claim that no profits were made from tools and functions; however, that lie is now impossible to defend, and diamonds may instead state that profits are generated but minimise the amount of profits generated. When a triple diamond filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2009, the financial information about his earnings was made publicly available, which proved to be an eye-opening piece of evidence. This week, it was revealed that the triple diamond earned approximately half a million dollars per year from Amway, which is a respectable income but not the Uber-like fortune that many people had hoped. Aside from that, this diamond generated approximately half a million dollars per year in revenue from tools and other functions.

This diamond accumulated credit card debt as a result of his million-dollar income and eventually became unable to pay his debts on time. I also didn't notice any charitable contributions on his tax returns, which was a surprise to me. Though one million dollars per year is a substantial sum of money, it is insufficient to fund the purchase of mansions and a fleet of high-performance automobiles, as an example. The lifestyle of a diamond is expensive, and I believe that the average diamond will not be able to maintain such a high-priced lifestyle. Diamond tools and functions appear to be critical in maintaining a diamond's financial situation, according to the evidence available.

Take into consideration the following: A higher profit margin is achieved from tools and functions, as opposed to income from Amway products, and unlike the Amway compensation plan, ranking and file IBOs do not receive any compensation for the number of tools they move. Consequently, the diamonds will exert significant pressure on the tools and will not tolerate any resistance from the tools. Also, it explains the lack of concern your lifelong Amway uplines have for you once you cease attending events or purchasing Amway products. The bitter and broke losers who have given up on themselves are now yours to join.

If you are a diamond in the rough, the right tools and functions will be critical to your Amway success in the long run. However, this does not apply to the average man or woman on the street.

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