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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Defending Amway?

 It was in the early 2000s that I became involved in the Amway debates for the first time. Even though it used to be a bit heated at times, it has remained civil for the most part over time. It was the pro-Amway group, not the other way around, that began making veiled threats about revealing people's identities outside of an Internet forum. Additionally, it was the pro-Amway crowd that used to have temper tantrums on the forum.

It was clear that Amway was a topic that elicited strong feelings from those who discussed it. Among the more amusing aspects of the situation was how various facts and pieces of information obtained from Amway itself resulted in a flurry of debates. Amway, for example, reported that the average diamond earned approximately $150k per year on average. Amway is now reporting the average income of a Q12 diamond, which is a new twist on the old formula. A Q12 diamond, on the other hand, is a rare exception rather than the rule.

There were numerous debates about the average income of IBOs, which was approximately $100 per month, according to the participants. Amway now refers to them as “active” independent business owners. The average monthly income earned by active IBOs is approximately $200. Because inactive IBOs account for approximately half of all IBOs, the average monthly income of all IBOs is approximately $100. It all depends on how you look at the numbers. The big shot diamonds and upper management are included in that average income; however, bonuses, which can be substantial, are excluded from the calculation.

There aren't as many Amway-related forums and bolds around anymore, which has resulted in the debates being scaled back. However, the majority of the sites that are still up and running appear to be exposing the truth and personal experiences about Amway, which does not appear to be helping Amway's cause. There are also some pro-Amway websites, with the vast majority of them being run by the company itself.

However, due to the widespread use of the internet and the availability of readily available information, Amway diamonds are no longer able to conceal the obvious. That a significant portion of one's income comes from the sale of tools and functions, and that being a diamond may not be the luxurious lifestyle that one is led to believe. I continue to share my experiences in order to help prospects and information seekers avoid the pitfalls of Amway that I myself experienced as an Independent Business Owner (IBO) at one point in my life. I've been away from Amway for more than two decades, and those years have been the most prosperous of my life.

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