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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Recruiting in Amway?

 In order to achieve diamond status as an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO), the ability to recruit anyone and everyone into one's Amway business is one of the most important aspects of being an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO). Without a significant amount of down line, it is impossible to earn the higher bonuses. Additionally, to reach the diamond level, you must develop at least 6 groups that are platinum or higher in quality, which is not possible without a significant amount of down line. There are additional requirements, but I'm only referring to the general requirements at this point in time.

In order to make a profit, a new IBO would be better served by learning how the business operates, selling some products, and putting in the necessary effort to turn a profit. I believe it would be difficult, but not impossible, to accomplish this. Due to the fact that upline sells hope and dreams, particularly those that can only be realised through rabid recruiting, it is in this area that the emphasis is placed.

Furthermore, recruiting is difficult because Amway has a negative reputation among the general public, and much of that reputation is unfavourable to the company. Some of the behaviours of previous IBOs are still evident, such as lying to get people to attend meetings or deception to get people to attend meetings. Even today, on the internet, there are still horror stories about previous IBOs to be found. There are some testimonies from others who have also travelled down the Amway path that I've included in my own personal account. It is littered with the figurative dead bodies of those who have attempted and failed to make it to the finish line.

It has been a long time since Amway was accused of operating an illegal pyramid scheme. This was due to the fact that they did not compensate people for recruiting and that they sell actual products as part of their overall business. Despite the fact that this is a broad generalisation, there is more to it than that. In any case, let's be honest: if there isn't any compensation for recruiting, why does it appear to be the primary focus of so many newcomers and recent recruits?

Even though the majority of new IBOs don't know much, they are aware that they won't get very far unless they have a significant number of down line members, and that they will not get very far unless they have a significant number of down line members. In the unfortunate event that you win a significant prize in a lottery, your chances of winning are about the same as your chances of winning a diamond ring. Except for the fact that, aside from purchasing a lottery ticket, there is absolutely no effort required to participate. In the event that you have read this and decide to join and build your own downline, I wish you the best of luck.

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