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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Be Teachable?

 One of the things that upline taught and emphasised was the importance of being teachable by others. Teachability referred to the ability to be open-minded, willing to learn, and willing to accept advice from wise and experienced upline and higher-up diamonds, among other things. This is ironic, because the same upline leaders and diamonds are quick to point the finger at the IBO when their businesses ultimately falter.

They will claim that the IBO didn't try hard enough or that they simply didn't do things in the manner in which they should have been done. In other words, you are taught to be teachable, but even if you are, it is still your responsibility if you fail. It's as if your upline is flipping a coin and saying, "Heads, I win, tails, you lose."

Although I am certain that many people who joined Amway gave it their all and made significant efforts to follow the company's recommendations, they were unable to generate a net profit in the company. I had a large group of people who produced 4000 PV in a given time period. In addition, I had the correct parameters based on the WWDB eagle program's recommendations. However, despite all of this, my company was unable to generate a net profit.

At the end of the day, if you think about it objectively, your Amway business is not intended to generate income. Its purpose is to transfer money to your upline diamonds in a systematic manner, as described above. Even if you do manage to make a small amount of money (which is highly unlikely), your upline will almost certainly advise you to put it into the tools system as soon as possible. Moreover, being teachable implies that you are more likely to do so.

Every aspect of the business, including the 100 PV defacto quota for IBOs, is designed to ensure that your uplines can continue to qualify for their higher-level positions in the company. When that occurs, you receive 3 percent of the nearly 30% in bonuses that Amway distributes, with the remaining bonuses going to layers of upline above you. Who says you have to work in order to be compensated?

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