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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Your Amway Education?

 A person I overheard say that your Amway education is similar to going to college, but that it is better because Amway will make you wealthy, whereas college will provide you with a position. I thought it was a really funny joke. Even though it appears to make sense on the surface, it turns out to be complete nonsense when examined in greater detail. Because that's the thing about Amway teaching: while it may appear to be logical at first glance, it is ultimately just self-serving advice designed to increase the income of the person who is dispensed it.

First and foremost, while it is undeniably true that attending college will cost you money, it is also a proven fact that college graduates earn significantly more than those who do not attend college. You may also need to take out student loans, but the investment will more than pay for itself over the course of your career. In contrast, the vast majority of independent business owners (IBOs) either make no money or lose money. For better or worse, the time and money spent on an Amway education is a complete waste of both.

As an added bonus, a college education may lead to you working in a field unrelated to your field of study; however, a college degree demonstrates an ability to learn and a broad range of knowledge because that is how colleges operate, which is why they are so valuable. Uncertainty exists as to what an Amway education entails in detail. How do you persuade people to attend meetings despite their best efforts? Answering one question with another is considered rude. So, what exactly are the real-world skills that one can gain from working for Amway?

Except for perhaps the ability to think positively, there are few if any tangible skills that can be measured in Amway, according to my observations. Put another way, they don't teach you how to run a business or how to actually succeed in Amway, to put it another way. Teaching is usually more about rah rah and motivation than it is about substance when it comes to the subject matter. The reality is that the vast majority of people are dazzled by the prospect of becoming wealthy in 2-5 years and as a result, they miss out on this wonderful opportunity. They are looking for a way to make their retirement more expedient. Currently, I'm not sure whether or not there is such a shortcut, but I do know that Amway fails to deliver nearly 100 percent of the time for those who attempt to do so. And, to be completely honest, Amway makes no mention of any of this in any of its marketing materials or communications. This is the epitome of upline propaganda at its best.

If you pursue an Amway education, it is possible that you will gain valuable knowledge, but it is more likely that you will not become wealthy or retire early as a result of your efforts over the course of two to five years.

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