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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

The Math?

 When IBOs follow upline advice, one of the issues they encounter is that they fail to use basic math and common sense, which leads to frustration. Observing what is actually happening in your immediate environment with care and objectivity as an independent business owner, it is difficult to make a compelling case for joining or remaining in Amway. You can come here and earn money or save money while you're here, according to the standard pitch.

As a result of running their Amway business, how many Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are actually making money or saving money. The IBO price in Amway goods is the same as the retail price; however, those goods do not always represent a savings over the retail price. Apart from that, IBOs frequently attempt to sponsor their customers, who would then receive the IBO price and go on to become a competitor IBO. Yes, by joining a downline, you gain access to their volume. However, you must contend with the fact that the vast majority of independent business owners (IBOs) do little or nothing and then quit. The Amway disclosures state that approximately half of all independent business owners (IBOs) are inactive and do little to nothing in their respective businesses.

You were most likely told that you would make money if you joined Amway when you were first approached about the opportunity, which is another important consideration. Calculating the cost of the 100 PV that your upline wants you to aim for each month will reveal that unless you are able to sell that volume, which is nearly impossible unless you have a large number of sympathetic friends and family members, the 100 PV will cost you approximately $300. In addition to the tools and functions, there is the cost of the tools and functions, which can range from $200 per month or more if you are a long-term customer to thousands of dollars per year if you are not a customer.

After deducting all of your expenses, those Amway bonuses would be worth approximately $10 to you. Only by sponsoring a large number of downline members will you be able to begin earning enough money to cover some of the costs associated with your Amway membership. Now for the big reveal: there's even more. It is estimated that approximately half of all Independent Business Owners (IBOs) never sponsor a single downline, which is consistent with the fact that the vast majority of IBOs never sponsor a single downline after signing up.

In other words, if you take a step back and look objectively at the big picture — as well as the math and numbers — it's difficult to see how anyone could conclude that the Amway opportunity, as well as the associated tools and functions, are worthwhile investments of your time and money. If you read this and decide to go ahead and try it, I wish you the best of luck.

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