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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Cole, Richard & Louise Amway

 Louise Cole, nee Louise Williams, went diamond in the early 1980s while single; she later married (Paul & Louise Phillips), and subsequently divorced from him. Since then, she has remarried, and the couple is now known as Richard and Louise Cole. 

They were BWW Diamonds in the Mike & Eileen Limburg (Britt's frontline Emerald inactive) organisation, and they were married to a BWW Emerald. 

They have now become a part of LTD. Bill Britt is Louise Cole's first and most important upline diamond. Several diamonds and one EDC have been awarded to her by her organisation.

Bill Britt likes to say that he got two (diamond) legs for the price of one when it comes to diamonds. 

Neither the Miller nor the Cole organisations were founded by the same prospect, who has since departed.

One of their most well-known downlines is Founders Emerald Lee Kessler, who was a well-known actress in Hollywood for a number of years.

She was working as an aerospace researcher for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in Hampton, Virginia, when she came across this business idea for the first time.

"I went to William and Mary to study to be a math teacher, but I switched to physics to escape having to take a public speaking class - I was terrified of speaking in front of an audience!"

She had been invited to a hotel meeting by a coworker in order to look into a business potential. "That night, I met folks who were enthusiastic about what they were doing and who believed in what they were doing. 

That's what drew me to this line of work in the first place "Louise recalls a time in her life. "I discovered a workplace that was really bothered by the fact that I was a woman while working in this industry. 

I don't appreciate being treated differently or worse than other men or women in the workplace simply because I am a woman. 

I just want to be recognised for the work that I do, plain and simple. That's just the way things work in this industry."

She was able to produce. Louise was the first single woman in the United States to attain Diamond level as a result of her hard work and determination. 

She has a very huge international organisation with hundreds of Platinums, several Rubies, and Emeralds as well as a downline Diamond and EDC organisation.

The ability to build significant personal relationships, achieve personal as well as spiritual growth, and be able to assist others in assisting themselves has been the most rewarding aspect of this company.

Louise's life has altered a great deal over the course of the last several years. "My first and only ambition was to be able to afford a sports vehicle, and that was all for the time being. 

My income, on the other hand, continued to climb until my part-time company revenue exceeded by a factor of several my NASA income. 

I filed my letter of resignation to NASA and, at the age of 35, I was no longer employed there! To this day, instead of going to work, I commute in a Mercedes and a conversion van for the kids, live in an exquisite home on a five-acre waterfront estate, and spend my mornings working out at the health club or playing tennis. 

I've travelled extensively around the United States and many other countries of the world, and I've been fortunate enough to be able to share many of these experiences with my parents and children."

However, the most significant shift has occurred as a result of her decision to become a single parent. "I married shortly after becoming a Diamond, and we have two amazing children, Andrew and Jessica, who are the joy of my existence. 

As a single parent, I am grateful for the stable lifestyle that this business provides for me and my children today. 

We adore this business and the freedom it has provided us, allowing us to travel wherever we want, whenever we want - and always with each other. 

The freedom to be oneself, both personally and financially, is liberating. This country provides me with the opportunity to exercise my freedom by operating my own business, which I appreciate greatly."

Cole, Richard & Louise

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