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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Amway And Taxes?

 Tax breaks are a selling point for some Amway representatives, who assert that the company's tools and functions are profitable because of tax breaks. Both of these claims are complete and utter nonsense. If you are familiar with the subject of taxes, you will recognise that what I have said is correct.

Only if you lose money in Amway will you be able to benefit tax-wise, because if you make money, you would be required to pay more in taxes overall. Tax-wise, functions do not pay for themselves because $1000 worth of functions will only offset a percentage of the tax bracket you are currently in, not the entire bracket. Consider the following example: if you are in the 10% tax bracket, your $1000 in function expenses will only result in a $100 tax credit. In other words, you still suffered a financial loss.

If you take the time to research Amway Independent Business Owners and taxes, you will discover that the IRS routinely takes Amway IBOs to task. And this is due to the fact that Amway cannot be used solely as a tax shelter. You must be actively involved in the operation of a business and the pursuit of profit. A grill that is used in a restaurant, for example, is a legitimate tax deduction allowed by the Internal Revenue Service because it will assist you in making your business more profitable.

Who can say for certain that standing orders and functions provide any tangible benefit. Tools and functions do not increase sales or sponsorship of down line for the vast majority of independent business owners (IBOs), in part because these tools and functions, in my opinion, are just a scam by the diamonds to make their dreams come true. Because the system is in place, you will not witness an endless stream of new diamonds.

I challenge anyone to provide an explanation as to why I am incorrect. I've also outlasted every single one of Amway's zealous defenders because I'm a non-quitter as well. Where have all of the Amway defenders gone to writhe in agony? They have all given up while Joecool is still going strong.

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