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Sunday, July 11, 2021

Cecilia Ulenius & Mats Holmberg Amway


  • Diamond May 2006

Success Story (Sweden)

Mats is a civil engineering intern who has received training in maskinautomation and has vowed to use it to solve all of his problems. 

Since he was a child, he has dreamed of resaing a lot, roaing himself with the kompis, and coordinating everything that goes on.

 After working as an engineer for a period of time, he expressed his belief that he would be able to achieve the results he desired if he continued to work in the same field.

 As a result, he began looking for alternatives that would provide him with the life he desired. 

Mats worked in the United States of America in 1997, and while there, one of his associates learned about Amways' affärsmöjlighet. 

Mats was sceptical that he would be able to accomplish his goal because he was suffering from severe self-doubt as a result of his ordblindness at the time.

 However, after a thorough investigation of the affärsidĂ©n, he discovered that it was exactly what he had been looking for.

Cecilia had always suffered from severe morning sickness. To be honest, the only thing she could see herself doing was going to school and then working for the rest of her life. 

Hon educated himself to become a teacher and began working as an undervisa. The moment Mats presented Cecilia with Amway's business opportunity, Cecilia was anything but enthusiastic.

 The situation deteriorated rapidly, and she was determined not to be humiliated.

Mats set up his business without the assistance of Cecilia throughout the first year of operation. It's possible that this will have an impact on the outcome in January.

 Mats made the decision to relocate to the United States in 1999, when the Scandinavian Amway business began to flourish.

 Since Mats began operating in the United States in October 1997, the company has grown threefold, reaching a market capitalization of $1 billion.

 Cecilia became increasingly interested once he had returned to the first task he had set for himself. 

Aftonbladet hade hon met a smattering of them, many of whom had also founded an Amway-affiliated business, and had concluded that they were completely ordinary men and women, just like herself.

For the journey from Silver to Emerald, it took 20 minutes.

 It was at this point that the days became more difficult for both Mats and Cecilia. They were able to keep their jobs and gain more time working together.

 During the course of time, dettern Celina was also captured. 

”To be able to spend time with her during the days is something completely different. The fact that she will have to make a decision about when she will start work on Tuesday cannot be explained in words. 

“This is what Amwayverksamheten, among other things, has done for us,” Mats and Cecilia explain. 

In addition, they have a large number of vänner who will be available for the remainder of their lives. Helping others achieve their goals is one of the most rewarding experiences available today.

 This is an opportunity for everybody who wishes to have a little additional money in their lives.

Cecilia Ulenius & Mats Holmberg Amway

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