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Sunday, July 11, 2021

Wilson, Mike & Karla Amway

 "The greatest advantage of this business is the independence it provides."

Founder Mike Wilson explains that he and his wife established their business because they had three life goals. "1.

 We should enjoy our life. 2. Start a family of your own. 3. Have a variety of financial possibilities. "I became a professional tennis player because I wanted to enjoy my life." 

Mike participated on the international tennis circuit and served as the head professional of numerous prominent clubs in Southern California during his professional career. 

Carla worked as a bookkeeper and in retail management before retiring. "Even at the $25 or $30 an hour I was earning at the time, we understood that we would never be financially independent in this manner." 

It was tough to envision how we would be able to start a family without both of our earnings coming in. Mike was teaching tennis from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., according to what he saw when he looked at the business. 

"'Can you tell me what you want from the business?' I was approached and asked. 'Everything.' 'Can you tell me when you want it?' 'Yesterday.' 

This would provide us with the financial possibilities we desired as well as the time we needed to create a family, if we could make it happen. 

We had no idea how much we would come to like the business until much later." During his time in senior management in the financial industry, Mike claims that his company's revenue remained steady throughout the years. 

"Personal independence is the most significant benefit of this business," Carla says of her endeavour. The ability to be a stay-at-home husband and wife, as well as a mother and father for our children, is important to us.

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