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Sunday, July 11, 2021

Woods, Jan Amway

 Having started their networking business around Thanksgiving 1963 with her husband, Walt, Jan had no idea how much she would come to be thankful for in the future. 

"Walt had a lot of grandiose dreams," Jan explained. "From the very beginning, he desired to get to the greatest level possible and earn $30,000 per year, which was a substantial sum of money in those days." 

However, for Jan, the most money she could fathom earning was $1,000 a month, which she set as her financial objective."

We made $1,500 in our fourth full month in operation, which was our best month ever "Jan, who was still in awe of the achievement, remarked

Jan laughs as she fondly recalls the early years of Walt's life, while he was still alive. 

"He'd walk the streets, shining shoes with a product called Shoe Glo, which he'd purchased from a store.

 When someone inquired as to whether it might damage their shoes, he responded that if it did, he would purchase them a new pair of $50 shoes. 

Of course, the shoes they were wearing were most likely not even worth $10."

Jan is already settled in her lakeside home, which she describes as "all I ever dreamed." Jan has always been anxious about how she would live in her golden years, and she is pleased to report that not only is her life well taken care of, but so are the lives of her grandkids. 

They will never have to worry about how they are going to pay for their schooling.

In my experience, if there is one thing I have learned, it is that nothing ever just occurs for you - you have to follow up on everything, and you have to follow up frequently.

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