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Thursday, September 16, 2021

A Mistress Named Amway

 I began writing Married To An Ambot as a sort of healing process for myself, in order to curse out my former upline and spread awareness about what happens at Amway meetings, as well as upline abuse and harassment. Through this, I hoped to connect with other women who are in similar positions or who have been there at some point in their lives. Our tales may differ in certain ways, but they are fundamentally the same. I was connected with upline members who I believe are absolutely awful, evil troublemakers, and I still believe this today. If I can assist other ladies in getting their husbands or boyfriends out of Amway and away from their destructive upline, then all of the effort put into writing this blog will have been worthwhile.

The majority of the time, it is our husbands who are approached by a friend who informs them of an incredible business opportunity. a home-based business in which they work 10 to 15 hours per week and can earn an additional $800 or more per month (!) by selling Amway products and recruiting other Independent Business Owners (IBOs) who will in turn purchase Amway products and recruit other IBOs who will do the same, and so on and so forth For the first few days, the wife might be sceptical. You've probably heard the expression "if anything sounds too good to be true," which means that it probably is. On paper, the numbers appear to be favourable, but in practise, it does not appear to be possible that this will be accomplished.

When our spouses become enthusiastic about anything, we want to encourage and support them. Within a short period of time, we cease to be supportive and begin to get increasingly frustrated with the situation. In the background, the husband is acting as though he had a mistress on the side. Undeniably, this is what he does. Amway is the name of a mistress. In between Amway meetings, he's out of the home for countless hours, only to sneak back into the house in the wee hours of the morning after we've all fallen asleep in our beds. He's blowing out his savings account on his mistress. He doesn't have the cash on hand, so he borrows it through a line of credit, a home equity loan, or credit cards. You know that when he whips out the plastic, he's really pretending that he's not paying for it. After all, it is only a fictitious enterprise. That is, until the invoices start to arrive, at which point paying back actual money isn't quite so pretend any longer.

After a while, the wife is fed up with the situation. She never sees her husband, and their bank account is steadily depleting as their debt continues to rise at an alarming rate. "Either you choose your mistress or you choose me." As a result of their realisation that they are not going to receive the money that was dangled in front of them during their initial investigation of this wonderful business opportunity, most men cease attending Amway meetings and wasting their money. They are fortunate in that this is the case.

So goes every wife's nightmare storey about her husband's Amway mistress, condensed into a single paragraph.

I was fortunate in that my Ambot regained his composure. This was due to the fact that he'd had enough of the harassment from his upline, as well as the understanding that the money simply wasn't there. He no longer had a relationship with his Amway mistress. All of the people who had vowed to be his excellent pals for the rest of his life had deserted him. That may have been the most difficult aspect of the process. He was truly fond of these individuals and believed they were fond of him. Wrong. They only cared about his money because he was assisting them in realising their ambitions.

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