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Thursday, September 16, 2021

Having Trouble Quitting Amway?

 People who search for "how to stop Amway" and land on my blog as a result of my blog's URL are astounded and a little concerned, as I am. Every day, a large number of hits are generated using that search criterion. Quitting appears to be a straightforward process for me. Put an end to your purchases of Amway items. Put an end to your tool purchases. Put an end to your attendance at meetings. Put an end to going to functions. Stop listening to cassettes and CDs. Do not renew your annual membership at the conclusion of the calendar year. However, it appears that quitting Amway is not that simple for everyone, as evidenced by the fact that they look for information on how to do so on the Internet. And I have a great deal of sympathy for these folks who are attempting to quit and get their lives back on track, but who want assistance in order to GET OUT of the situation.

It's not clear whether the genuine question is "how to quit Amway" or "how to quit the cult."

Amway Independent Business Owner is a fancy way of saying "commissioned salesman," which is exactly what it sounds like. Salespeople who are paid by commission work for other people. If you work for someone else, you are considered to have a job. Quitting a job is a simple process. Either you give your two-week notice or you tell your boss, "Fuck you, I'm out of here." Afterwards, you go away without returning. What percentage of your time do you put into your job? Time and effort are required. In exchange, you receive a paycheck. What should you put your money into a cult? Time, companionship, money, and brain cells are all valuable commodities. In exchange, you will receive a depleted bank account, debt, ruined relationships, and emotional turmoil, to name a few consequences of your actions.

It just goes to show what indoctrination can do to someone who is a part of the Amway organisation.

Because of their upline's conditioning, the IBO has been taught to exclude those who are considered "negative." These are family and friends that have done extensive research on the Amway cult and are attempting to show the IBO the reality about what they have gotten themselves into.

When an IBO realises that they are not making any money at Amway and are unlikely to do so in the future, they realise it is time to quit. The Independent Business Owner (IBO) finds himself in the position of having to fight back against the mind control techniques that have been utilised on them in order to motivate them to remain in the Amway business. They may be hesitant to seek aid from friends and family since they have already excluded these negative individuals, and admitting defeat in the Amway business may lead them to a barrage of "I told you so" comments.

The greatest thing for someone who wants to leave the Amway cult is to get on the Internet and read blogs and articles published by people who have left the Amway cult before. They require information on Amway and cult brainwashing techniques, and the best source of information is from someone who has actually been through the process.

Therapy, depending on how deeply the IBO has been brainwashed, may be an option, particularly if a therapist who has expertise working with cults and deprogramming former cult members can be found. In Smalltown, USA, this is not a simple undertaking, which is why many people turn to the Internet for assistance.

I recall reading Eric Scheibeler's book Merchants of Deception at a time when he'd discovered the truth about Amway and the tool fraud and was attempting to get out of the business. He anticipated that his wife would find it difficult to leave Amway, given that the two of them had dedicated 10 years of their lives in growing their Amway business to the Emerald level, in addition to tens of thousands of dollars in the system. After learning that his wife had not listened to an Amway motivational tape in months, he was taken aback by the revelation. She was attempting to deprogram herself.

During the last 6 or 7 months, my Ambot was so hung up on Amway that he stopped purchasing CDs altogether. I'm not convinced that he was simply tired of hearing the same old songs over and over, but his name must have gotten on the upline's bad side when he stopped purchasing CDs, despite the fact that he attended one major function and paid his WWDB Premier Membership ($49.95/month) and Communikate ($36.95/month) almost to the end of their terms. During the previous few months, Ambot purchased Amway products worth less than $1000 in total. Whew! Wow, that was a breath of fresh air after spending easily more than $1000 in a single month over the first several months of his involvement. In two of those latter months, he met the required 100PV to earn a payout in the neighbourhood of $10. This shows how enraged his upline was because they weren't making as much money off Ambot as they used to.

It is sometimes necessary to take a step-by-step approach to leaving Amway. Quit purchasing and listening to their mind-controlling audio CDs! Stop attending meetings or reduce your attendance. When you think about it, how many times a week do you have to sit through Platinum saying the same thing???? When it comes to purchasing tools or items or attending gatherings, one of the cult leaders will eventually ride the IBO's backside, causing some minor setbacks while the IBO is still indoctrinated enough not to oppose the cult leader's requests.

Amway is a deceptive scheme. Getting into Amway is the easiest part of the process. Being able to get through the Amway exit hurdles, which include not being able to recover any money invested and suffering psychological harm, is much more difficult to accomplish.

Like any other harmful habit, not everyone is able to give it up completely. Hold on for dear life. Continue your investigation. Claw your way back to the surface of reality. The next obstacle to overcome is getting your life and money back in line. We've all been there and done that. I wish everyone else the best of luck on their path.

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