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Thursday, September 16, 2021

How to Quit Amway

 A recent search resulted in a visitor to my site who was looking for advice on how to leave Amway.

I think it's a sad state of affairs to be brainwashed by the Amway cult to the point where someone has to look for information on how to leave the company on the Internet.

I'll list the reasonable responses that come to mind, in no particular order, as follows:

1. discontinue attendance at Amway meetings.

2. discontinue the use of CDs

3. discontinue the use of Amway goods.

4. Do not renew your membership at the end of the year.

To summarise, I don't want anything to do with those cretins any longer. Nothing implies absolutely NOTHING!

Because the Platinum or Diamonds used to refer to Amway as a virtual shopping mall on the Internet, they should no longer do their shopping there. Simple. It's no different from if you're upset with Safeway for some reason and decide not to return. You've decided to stop buying there.

It's an easy thing for me to say as someone who had no interest in Amway, didn't want to buy their shoddy costly items, despised our sponsor, and finally despised everyone in our organization's upper management.

For someone like myself, abandoning these cretins will not be a difficult task at all.

As difficult as it is for me to grasp, I recognise that there are people out there who liked Amway and who liked the people who were part of their line of sponsoring sponsorship. Getting trapped into the Amway cult did not happen overnight, and for them, quitting will not be a simple process that can be completed in a single day.

As a result of the way they've been brainwashed and their mental process has been controlled by the cult leaders, some people find it difficult and painful to leave the Amway business model. They've been to meetings where their cult leader rants about the newest IBO who has resigned from the organisation. Loser, pariah, quitter, and so forth They instruct the cult members in their downline not to have any further contact with this individual. The IBO is well aware that if they leave, they will be the main topic of discussion at the next Amway meeting, which will be held in their honour.

Here's a YouTube video featuring Steve Hassan, a former member of the Moonies who went on to become a therapist.

In this interview, he is talking about the Amway cult with Eric Sheibeler, the author of Merchants of Deception, and they are talking about the Amway cult. The links to the videos for parts 2 and 3 can be found on this YouTube website. Hassan has written a handful of publications that may be of assistance to those looking to escape the Amway organisation. Those who are having difficulty leaving Amway may find it useful to check out from the library or to purchase a copy of the book.

Amway is no more or less harmful than any other bad habit that one is attempting to break. Some people are able to quit cold turkey. Others will have to take incremental steps toward quitting until it is no longer something that controls their lives completely.

I wish everyone who is attempting to deprogram themselves from the Amway cult the best of luck and hope that the process is not too difficult for them. In the event that somebody in your upline is giving you a hard time, direct them to my blog and tell them to post a comment and I will take care of them!

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