Search Amway Leaders

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Searchers who end up at Anna Banana’s Blog

 I receive a large number of Google searches, both intriguing and not so interesting, that lead to my Married to an Ambot blog. Some searches are looking for something completely unrelated to Amway, and they tend to abandon their search as soon as they realise they've made a clerical error. I also get a few frightened IBOs who wind up at this place. The majority of people depart, but a handful remain long enough to leave an Amway speak comment about how we didn't work hard enough to win.

On occasion, I receive searches for which I think to myself, "Why the fuck is someone looking for that?" What a case of being brainwashed!

In addition, I get a lot of folks who are extremely dissatisfied with Amway who end up on my site and spend literally hours reading every single post I've published.

One of the things I enjoy about my blog is that it ranks highly in search engines for IBOs looking for information regarding Spring Leadership and Dream Night. There's nothing quite like messing with Amway and WWDB! In any case, Spring Leadership is quickly approaching in a couple of months, and nervous IBOs are scouring the internet for information. The only things that appear high on the search results page are blogs like mine that describe what truly happens at these Amway functions. We're ranked higher than the Amway and WWDB propaganda websites. What does this teach you about yourself? When it comes to getting the facts out there and obtaining more page views than the corporate, we bloggers are gaining an advantage! YAY for us!

I also receive a large number of searches for the term "Artistry Cosmetics," and I'm right up there on the first page of Google's results, just behind the Amway advertising. Apparently, it doesn't upset Amway too much that I'm diverting their visitors; otherwise, they would have offered to purchase my website.

Someone recently searched for "Fuck Brad Wolgamott" on Google. Hmm. I'm rather certain I've never written that phrase before! They landed up to my IBOs are Free Labor blog post, where they were welcomed. The possibility exists that someone typed Brad's name into the comments section, and given that my postings are full of fuck this and that, it's plausible to obtain a match with that search criteria. Though nothing about Brad Wolgamott strikes out to me, I'm quite sure I've heard him speak at an Amway event at some point in the past. For me, it was a completely forgettable event, and I have nothing positive to say about him. Nonetheless, I'm willing to assist the searcher and send a big fuck you his way.

I receive a large number of search results for "Amway horror stories," "Amway cult," and "cult horror stories."

There are a lot of folks out there who are unaware that Amway is a cult of personality. No, I wouldn't have thought so until Ambot's involvement and the indoctrination by his "Christian" Platinum cult leader convinced me otherwise.

I have a lot of people searching for weird staff that end up at my Amway is Creepy page. Oddly enough, I'm directly below the number one hit for David Letterman is weird for having sex with female employees on the charts!

My website receives a large number of searches for the term "leave Amway" or related terms such as "how to encourage a friend or husband to quit Amway." What about the rumoured "major losses in Amway"? A large number of people find their way to my blog through that search engine as well. Those that use the search term "annoying Amway IBO's" in their search find their way to my blog as well.

Is it important to Amway's corporate headquarters that people are actually typing this things into search engines and ending up on my blog? Do they not care that some individuals find Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) to be obnoxious? No way, not a chance in hell. Amway's corporate headquarters is a place of disinterest.

I get calls from folks who are looking for an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO). Poor bastards must be desperate to get their hands on some pricey Amway crap! They had come to the wrong spot, to say the least. They could, for example, click on one of my Google ads, which appear from time to time and are paid by Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs). By clicking on an advertisement, you can send a buck or two my way. That is OK to me!

What's even more bizarre is that I get search results for Independent Business Owners (IBOs) who are looking for basic business information that their upline should but does not provide them with, such as "help with selling Amway products" or "how to hold an Amway Grand Opening," which are both things that should be provided by their upline. Yes, they are pointed to my post on our Grand Opening and quickly realise that no matter how much effort is put into it and how many people are invited, it will be a failure. I'm delighted I'm able to get this knowledge out to the public. Don't squander your time or money by attending an Amway Grand Opening event.

Every week, I receive 2 or 3 requests for “how to say fuck in Igbo” from people looking for an answer. Each one of them ends up in my Fuck You IBO post.

Is it only me who is perplexed as to what Igbo means?

Using Google, look for something! It's done! In Nigeria, it is a language spoken by aboriginal tribes.

If you are looking for the Igbo translation of the word fuck, I am the first result. I'm even higher on the search engine results page than the individual who wrote the following post: "Help! “How come my Igbo men are such jerks in bed?”

I'm sorry, but I'm unable to assist her with this. But it's hilarious, and I love it!

What's particularly unfortunate is that there are automated programmes searching for phrases like "World Wide Dream Builders is great." What a case of being brainwashed! I mean, who is so enamoured with the hoax that they go to the trouble of typing it into a search engine? The same type of brainwashed ambot who types in "Amway is amazing" and ends up on my site as a result of the YouTube movie titled My Awesome Delicious Amway Scam (which I created).

The individuals in question must be fresh recruits who are still in the early stages of the brainwashing process. Give them a year, and they'll be back on Google searching for things like "Amway is a cult," "Amway scam," "Amway sucks," and "lost money in Amway," among other things.

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