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Thursday, September 16, 2021

No Business Advice

 When it came to Amway, our upline didn't provide us with any sound, legitimate business guidance. Although we attended numerous "business meetings," we learned nothing relevant about running a genuine firm during the course of our attendance. Just because someone pays $150 to become an Amway IBO, dresses in a business suit, has a cell phone, and attends meetings does not automatically qualify them as a "business owner." A legitimate business owner is in charge of his or her own schedule and location, as well as his or her own pricing and business policies, etc. A slew of impersonators running fictitious Amway businesses show up for meetings only when their uplines tell them they have to, have no control over product pricing, and have no control if Amway decides to cancel their status as an IBO.

Yeah! Freedom! You are a business owner!

Consider working as a commission salesperson. Amway independent business owners (IBOs) are nothing more than that. Remember the whole "take out the middleman" speech you used to hear in Amway meetings and on tapes/CDs? It was all about cutting out the middleman. Consider the implications of this. Who is the true middleman in this situation? The International Business Organization (IBO).

How many commissioned salesmen would remain with the same company if they were only paid $10 a month instead of the standard commission? Either they'd quit and find something more marketable to sell, or their employer would dismiss them as a result.

Attending meetings where the speaker (Platinum) goes on rants that have nothing to do with Amway or any other business, talks about their relationship with God (I have never attended a legitimate business meeting where religion was discussed), and shows a presentation telling people to eat one meal bar and drink one Amway drink daily in order to become financially free just doesn't cut it for me anymore.

Being CORE and copying your upline are two pieces of business advice you should follow. It takes up less than 1% of the total time allotted for the "business meeting." You wouldn't know what to expect after yelling for 2 hours about the no-show IBOs and losers who have jobs and a religion, would you? Fortunately, this does not leave much time to actually talk about Amway.

Are you aware of another thing that accounts for less than 1 percent? The number of Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) who break even or generate some income. Wow! What a fantastic business opportunity where 99 percent of independent business owners (IBOs) do not make any money and/or lose money!

In light of the fact that being an Amway Independent Enterprise Owner (IBO) is only a fictitious business, let us imagine that an IBO is a top-tier Amway salesperson who has a substantial downline or client base and earns approximately $1000 each month. It is not enough to live on if you have a mortgage and want to eat and pay your other expenditures, but it is a respectable source of additional money. Most Independent Firm Owners (IBOs) consider that a good beginning point for their Amway business, and Ambot was one of them who believed he would be earning $1000/month after three or four months in "the business." The fact for most independent business owners is that they will never reach that level because the odds are stacked against them in a system that is built to fail. Let's say for the sake of argument that this is the monthly revenue total for this fictitious business.

I remember the Platinum or Diamond speaker at one of the Amway meetings I attended enticing the newcomers in the audience by asking what they could do with an extra $800 or $1000 a month. They may use the money to pay off debt and put it toward their mortgage, or they could put it aside for a down payment on a property. What about that trip you've been wanting to take? You'll have saved up enough money in a few months to be able to afford it. The speakers, sometimes known as cult leaders, make it appear as though making that much money would be simple. They claim that you should begin with yourself, eat from a food bar, and drink an Amway beverage on a daily basis. Then you go out and find two others who are capable of doing what you do. And over the next four months, you'll hire an additional employee every month, until you're making $1000 each month after six months.

You can eat and drink your way to financial security!

You should know that there was a reason why my father never invested in a candy store or donut business, and that reason was because we'd end up eating all of the profits!

The advise given by phoney businessmen is that this is the correct way to go about things - devour those profits!

As a result, I have come to the conclusion that the primary reason our sack of shit Platinum did not provide concrete advice to IBOs on what to do with our Amway earnings was because he knew 99 percent of us would never make money with Amway and that he would be talking to a whole new group of faces within 2 years, so he did not feel the need to upgrade his speeches to keep up with the times. Continue to rehash the same old nonsense for the benefit of those who haven't heard it before.

Yeah! We're all going to be extremely wealthy! However, there is a scarcity of practical business guidance.

A business that does not receive business guidance is likely to fail.

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