Someone in Ambot's upline determined that he ought to come to our house and do a coffee klatch before bringing out the Artistry cosmetics.
In order to assist our coffee klatchers with their cosmetics applications, one of the women in our upline - I believe she was Eagle or had been at one point - was preparing to come over with her makeup kit.
Ambot began inviting any and all females he came across throughout his everyday activities such as shopping, filling up the gas tank, and so on. The number of women who agreed to come over for coffee and cosmetics was actually rather large - perhaps 6 or 7 women.
We picked up some fancy coffee beans, as well as biscotti and pastries, and we were set to head out the door. Ambotta informed us that she would arrive at 6:30 p.m. to set things, which was half an hour before our guests were supposed to arrive.
Ambotta had not come by 6:30 p.m. She received a phone call from Ambot. She received a message from him on her cell phone, in which he inquired as to her whereabouts, whether her car had broken down again, and whether she required a trip. She lived in a nearby apartment, and Ambot became concerned since she was stranded in the parking lot with her car not starting, and her husband was not home and therefore unable to drive her away from the scene. Ambot called three times, each time going to voice mail. It appears as though Ambot's blood pressure is ready to soar to dangerously high levels!
Things started to happen around 7 o'clock. First and foremost, no one showed up. There's a great surprise in store for you now. It's like deja vu all over again. It's the same thing that happens every time we have an Amway convention. Second, Ambotta eventually returns the phone call and inquires as to if anyone had arrived. The answer is a resounding nay. What a pleasant surprise. Ambotta is relieved because she didn't really want to come out to our coffee klatch in the first place, so she cancelled her participation.
Ambot is in complete disbelief. Every single one of his guests - every single one of them! - is running behind schedule. The group will arrive any minute now, and he won't have any makeup for them to test on before they arrive. Given that I don't use Artistry makeup, there was nothing in my makeup cabinet that I could have used. After all, I had some Avon items on hand, but that was most likely not what Ambot had in mind.
I tell him not to be concerned about it. If someone shows up, we'll have coffee and a chat with them while they're here. Ambot is beginning to accept the fact that no one is going to turn up around ten minutes after seven, and after another ten minutes have passed, he begins to clean up the kitchen.
The good news is that we only lost a few hundred dollars this time, maybe less than $20. We would be able to drink the coffee and biscotti ourselves, as well as the cookies and biscotti.