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Thursday, September 16, 2021

Have I Mentioned I can’t stand our Sponsor?

 I was going to complain about our Amway sponsor today, but the guy hasn't stopped piss-ing me off since he won't leave Ambot alone. He makes a phone call in order to shoot the trash. He calls Ambot to see if he knows of anyone who is looking for job. He calls and asks to borrow some things. He communicates via text messages. You see where I'm going with this. It's like the old days of Amway all over again! No idea why Ambot is being so nice to the jerk, to be honest. They first met in the early 1980s while working for the same company, where they remained until the arrogant jerk was fired after only a few months. He is never able to stay in one place for too long.

The pompous jerk has a wife and children. I'm sad for his wife's plight. When you have a son who can't hold down a job, has horrible credit, never has money, travels about in automobiles that are constantly breaking down, and whose utilities are constantly being shut off due to nonpayment, it must be difficult to live with him. They were never married and never had children. Even though she seemed to be a lot more enthusiastic about Amway than I was, she never showed up to meetings. Instead, she preferred to remain at home and watch television or read a book or do whatever she enjoys doing at home because I'm pretty sure she doesn't work. I don't have anything against her other than her sleazy taste in men, which I find offensive. She has a strong dislike for my husband. Thus far, that is the only thing that we have in common. We are both capable of saying, "I don't care about your husband." When it comes to sponsoring someone in Amway, this is a bad combo. Did they and their superiors fail to recognise that this is a recipe for disaster?

I still get on Ambot's case whenever that conceited jerk calls him and I point him that his sponsor is defying the directions of the venerable cult leader by mingling with us. Ambot claims that it is not applicable because the arrogant jerk left Amway at the same time as him. I think it's a major deal. We should not associate with the Platinum if he states that we cannot. This is true whether or not any of us are still in Amway.

It's a shame. I wish it worked that way, but Ambot still appears to be acceptable to the conceited jerk who calls him up everytime he needs something, which is disappointing.

What truly irritated me was when the fucking son of a bitch showed up at our house at 6 a.m., claiming he needed something from us. We had fallen asleep. So was my dog, until she caught a glimpse of someone hiding outside, at which point she began barking, arousing our attention. The fact that that bastard woke up my dog gave me a headache that lasted the rest of the day. Not even an apology for waking me awake in the first place. But, really, what else would you expect from a jerk like him?

I never trusted the cretin in the first place, and after the Amway debacle and the financial and mental misery it caused me, I no longer have any business dealings with him at all. He is not permitted to enter the house, so Ambot must go out to the street to speak with him if he drives over, meet him, or go to the coffee shop to prospect, like all good little Ambots do. I hope he isn't trying to recruit him into another multi-level marketing scheme!

What would you do if you were an unhappy brat and one of your friend's spouses despised you because of all the difficulty you caused them, and you weren't permitted to enter the house? I'd take a large hint and stay the heck away from them, I suppose. I mean, how stupid can you possibly be? It appears that you are not as stupid as this jerk because he continues to hang around.

I'm looking forward to the day when karma comes after him and bites him in the arse!

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