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Friday, September 17, 2021

Quitting Amway during Spring Leadership?

 Despite the fact that leaving Amway at any time of the year is a smart decision, I'm curious whether it happens more frequently around Spring Leadership time. People who had signed up with Amway over the previous year but had earned nothing were almost certainly encouraged by their upline to renew their membership before the end of the year and were compelled to attend Dream Night the following month. However, it has been several months since I have received any income, despite spending a significant amount of money on Amway items and gear. The disgruntled IBO is pushed by his upline to purchase tickets to Spring Leadership, which he refuses to do. Don't give in to temptation! The cheapest portion of the process is purchasing the tickets. Transportation, a hotel room, and meals are all included as well. Not to mention the value of your time. A further squandered hour at an Amway event. You will never get back the time you have lost.

I believe that the spring season is the most popular time of year for IBOs to quit, but I have no statistics to support this claim. Spring cleaning is in order. Make a point of getting rid of everything that is cluttering your life or making you unhappy. It is likely that Amway is at the top of that list.

My blog allows me to look at statistics that reveal what visitors type into search engines to come up at the Married To An Ambot blog, which I find interesting. Search terms like how to say fuck in Igbo, for example, are ones that I see numerous times a week, which is rather interesting!

At the moment, I receive a large number of hits every day from people who are looking for information about Spring Leadership. It would seem reasonable to assume that the majority of these searchers are independent business owners (IBOs), and that once the unfortunate suckers are here, they will not stay to hear about how we were abused by our upline. Some cities will be entered into the Spring Leadership search criteria, though I can't recall which towns were entered at the time of writing. It's possible that the searcher will enter a specific year, usually 2011, however one searcher was recently looking for material about Spring Leadership 2010.

Let me state unequivocally that I have no idea when the Amway World Wide Dream Builders Spring Leadership Meeting will take place. I'm likewise clueless as to which location or cities will host the convention. I'm not sure who is going to be speaking. I'm not aware of any agenda. I don't know anything at all. And I'm not going to Google Spring Leadership to find out what I need to know! While I believe there are other places across the country and on various dates, I have no proof to support this assumption. It doesn't pique my attention enough to warrant a search. Additionally, it appears that information is tough to find, otherwise I wouldn't have had so many scared queries who ended up here. That's something I've noticed in the past. Amway and WWDB should have this material readily available near the top of the search engines for IBOs looking to learn about Spring Leadership, wouldn't you think?

All I know is that Married To An Ambot is the most popular search result on Google when individuals are looking for information about Spring Leadership opportunities! It's hard not to like it! Even more astonishing is that neither WWDB nor Amway appear to be concerned about it. If that were the case, they'd be negotiating with me about how much money they'd be willing to pay me to shut down my site and disappear.

Every day, I receive a large number of searchers who are looking for information on how to leave Amway. The fact that Spring Leadership is coming up in April means that I'm getting more searches for it than I do for exiting Amway at the moment, but this is only temporary. It is still distressing, though, to see the number of people searching for advice on how to leave Amway. I've written about it previously, which you can find here and here.

It's a straightforward process. If you decide to leave Amway, you will no longer be required to spend your money on sleazy events such as Spring Leadership Meetings. To summarise, the seminars serve mostly as motivational forums, with little, if any, practical business advice provided. The Internal Revenue Service has already established that Amway functions do not improve the sales of most independent business owners or their ability to attract new business owners. If you believe that attending Spring Leadership will result in a significant tax deduction, think again. If you try to deduct anything related to Amway from your taxes, expect to be audited. It's possible that it won't happen this year or next year. However, if you offend the wrong person, they may contact the cheaters hotline and request that they take a closer look at your files.

Keep your money in your pocket and stay at home.

Spring Leadership is a pain in the neck! All of Amway's functions are terrible!

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