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Friday, September 17, 2021

Another Intelligent Ambot Strikes!

 I've been love bombed!

Posted under my post on meddling with spring leadership, this was left unread.

According to Anonymous...

It appears to me that you all have an employee mentality, and that you are unaware of the importance of owning your own business, as well as all of the benefits that come with it, as a result of this. It is impossible for employees to earn more than their superiors.


THIS YEAR, MY BOYFRIEND AND I ARE GETTING READY TO GO TO RETIREMENT (2011). I am 19 years old, and he is 23. HOW DO YOU SAY IT? ARE WE PART OF A CULT OR A SCAM? Not at all... We have only just learned to humble ourselves in order to accept advice from those who have been working successfully in the WWDB and AMWAY.

Those who give up never win, and those who win never give up!


Aren't you just fascinated by the fact that these ambots believe that everyone on the planet who isn't a member of Amway does not own a business? For them, it is simply an incomprehensible and foreign notion to consider that there are legitimate business owners walking the face of the globe who have nothing to do with the Amway organisation. Many of the visitors to my site have remarked that they are the owner of their own business, either as a lone proprietor or as part of a family-run enterprise. My own name is on the list. Many of us, I believe, are already aware of the importance of having our own business. We have also experienced the stress of "owning" an Amway firm.

I disagree with the statement that employees never earn more than their boss. Note that the boss and the owner aren't often the same person, but a clueless IBO would be completely unaware of this due to the information control exercised by their upline in this situation. A boss could also be a salaried employee in some cases. In most circumstances, it would appear that the owner earns more money than his or her employees, however this is not always the case. It is customary for the owner to retain the majority of the profits after paying the bills and salaries. If the owner has a terrible month with unanticipated expenses after the bills have been paid, he or she may receive nothing. (It's the same as running an Amway business!) If a company's operations are severely hampered and it closes its doors, the employees are likely to be eligible for unemployment benefits, whilst the owner is not, resulting in employees earning more money than the owner even while they are unemployed.

Put another way, in a way that no ambot will be able to comprehend. Amway owns the products, and Amway owns their commissioned salespeople, often known as Independent Business Owners (IBOs). No other IBO will ever be able to compete with Amway in terms of earnings. The Amway owners currently occupy the apex of the pyramid, and they will remain there until some unusual lawsuit occurs that causes them to be thrown from their perch and force them to close their doors for good.

What is the job pyramid? I'm not sure where I first heard that one, but it's a good one. Oh, I see what you mean! Almost every Amway meeting includes a speaker who tries to convince the audience that Amway is not a pyramid scheme. When someone has to spend a significant amount of time disputing anything, this is a solid signal that there is a problem. Isn't it true that an attorney general in Michigan had already classified Amway as a pyramid scheme approximately 30 years prior? Even after that, IBOs have had to deal with the fallout, and the best they can come up with is a fucking employment pyramid as a last resort. What a wretched bunch of fucking imbecile!

Let's look at numbers 19 and 23. They are just about the appropriate age for Amway cultists to entice them into their system. This year, are they on their way to retirement? Then, in order to emphasise the fact that everyone who is not affiliated with Amway has no idea what year it is, the year 2011 is placed between brackets in the sentence.

If they were genuinely learning anything from their upline about operating a business, they would have learnt that the things you can't do yourself, you should outsource to a professional to complete for you. For this reason, we employ professionals such as accountants, attorneys, computer experts, and so on.

These know-it-alls need to employ a computer expert since they are going through life seemingly oblivious that their caps lock button has become stuck on their computer and they lack the skills to figure out how to turn it off on their computer. However, the majority of IBOs seem to drift through life, seemingly oblivious to all that is going on around them.

Their writing abilities are lacking, and they are unsure of how to properly explain themselves in order to avoid appearing foolish. They have the option of hiring someone to write for them. What do you think about hiring an image consultant? Another blog mentioned that IBOFB is offering a service to help people improve their online pictures. Perhaps these ambots should seek advice from him in this matter.

As if we needed any more evidence that Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are a bunch of judgmental bastards who look down their noses at anyone who works.

As if we needed any more evidence that when ambots turn up with these comments - and they all sound precisely the same - that they've all been listening to the same sermon from their cult leaders and parroting it back to us, we're in the right place.

Yes, you are a member of a cult, and you are being defrauded at the same time as you are scamming others. That is exactly what Amway is all about.

And posting comments on blogs like these only adds to the negative image that Amway has gained in recent years.

The following was posted by Anna Banana at 10:16 AM.

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Labels: Ambot, Amway, Amway company, Amway cult, Amway meeting, cult leaders, IBO, J.O.B., pyramid scheme, scam, Spring Leadership, upline, WWDB, World Wide Direct Selling Association

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