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Friday, September 17, 2021

Career Choice: Cult Leader!

 An anonymous comment on my post Quitting Amway During Spring Leadership surfaced on my blog today.

According to Anonymous...

Just to let you know, none of you have a life to waste trashing on individuals who are trying to build an asset, who want to be full-time parents, and who actually HAVE a life instead of chasing a job for the rest of our lives, as you claim. When people are attempting to accomplish something that would benefit their future, why would you take the time out of your day to criticise something that could potentially benefit someone?

What do you mean, serisouly? lol This makes me sad. Porn and gossip are the most profitable industries in the planet right now. And that's all because of the negative, overweight folks who stay at home all day online and dump on others because no one cares about them and it makes them feel better about themselves.

This is the kind of thing that only someone with a really low self-esteem would think they have the authority to say. I wish each and every one of you the very best in your lives, despite the fact that you are all going nowhere. I still care about people, so please know that I appreciate you and wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart.

I decided this Amway speech deserved its own reaction post, so here it is! In classic chickenshit manner, I doubt Anonymous will return to my site in the near future, but I always love dissecting Amway talk, as do some of my other readers.

After conducting a search for Spring Leadership, I receive a large number of IBOs who come to this site. What can I say? I'm stumped. WWDB and Amway don't seem to give a damn about the fact that I'm at the top of the search engines; otherwise, they'd offer me a substantial sum of money in exchange for taking my blog and disappearing.

Most IBOs can read the tagline at the top of the site and understand that this is a blogger who is set on showing the world that her upline is a bunch of dicks, and that they are unlikely to find the information they want here, so they go. Few visitors stay long enough to post a comment that is replete with Amway jargon. They act as if they're completely unique and that we haven't heard anything like it before!

I understand why they choose to remain nameless. Having to admit that you're involved with Amway can be really embarrassing. Additionally, if their upline discovered that they were speaking (writing) negatively, they would ride them to the ground. When you're an IBO, this is a huge no-no.

I have nothing against those who are attempting to build a business or become full-time parents. My upline is a bunch of fucking assholes, which is something I despise. These guys lie, they treat people like trash, they take advantage of their downline, and so on. If you want to know more about those jerks, check out some of my other posts. There are different methods of increasing one's assets. Getting involved with Amway is a nearly 100 percent surefire way to fail. The decision to become a full-time parent should be discussed by both partners prior to the birth of any children. This is an issue that I have already discussed in another post. A couple should be financially and emotionally prepared before deciding to start a family. Do not include Amway in your plans, especially if you believe that it is the only way that you will ever be able to become a parent. This isn't the path to take.

I believe that the majority of people who become involved in Amway do so under the false impression that they will be able to make a positive difference in their lives. There is absolutely nothing wrong with attempting to improve your situation and that of your family. Unfortunately, the upline fails to inform prospects that less than one percent of IBOs will actually make money from this mediocre opportunity, which is unfortunate. rather than letting them be carried away by the hype of numbers and millionaire lifestyles, they lure them into retirement after 2 to 5 years while residual income and plenty of it pours in for the rest of their lives.

Isn't it true that porn and gossip are the most profitable industries on the planet right now? I was under the impression that it was the illegal drug industry.

Are you referring to me as a negative, overweight person who spends his or her day on the internet? Someone who can pull off a mini skirt in a size 5 and still look good? Someone who is very active and very aware of how to keep my body in shape through exercise and eating well? Someone who swims several times a week and has no problem putting on a swimsuit? Its people like you who look at small women who wear clothes in the single digits and call them “fat” that are the problem. You undeservedly call people fat and are responsible for creating self image problems and creating eating disorders. I criticise my upline for their demeanour and abuse of authority. I don't make light of their physical appearance. Many people in my upline have tried Nutrilite's Trim and have found that the only thing they have lost is their money, not any pounds. Some of them have skin that is a different shade from the others. They all look like they could be cast in a horror film only on the basis of their physical appearance. I'm not criticising anyone for the way they appear, including yourself. Negative, negative, negative!

Finally, to my anonymous friend from my home state, I would like to say that you would make an outstanding Amway cult leader one day. Check out what you have to say about persons who are overweight or obese, which is perhaps a bigger issue in our state than anywhere else in the world when it comes to self-esteem and fat acceptance. Despite all of Amway's bogus marketing about "don't say anything negative," you came here to express your displeasure and then remark, "but I still love everyone." That was something our upline used to do as well. They'd be extremely critical of any minor triumphs and completely deflate your spirits when you were feeling good about a sale, just to say, "But we still love you," in the following breath.

Wishing you the best of luck in your chosen job as a cult leader!

It is a huge decision to select a professional path, and it is crucial to select a career that is congruent with your personal beliefs, interests, and the abilities you have to offer. The decision to pursue a career as a cult leader is not only unusual in comparison to other possible career options, but it is also unethical and carries the risk of putting one's life in jeopardy.

Cults are described as groups or organizations that engage in manipulative tactics in order to maintain control over their members. These groups or organizations also typically have a charismatic leader at the helm of the organization. Cult leaders frequently resort to manipulative strategies such isolating their followers, instilling fear in them, and brainwashing in order to maintain their members' allegiance to the cult.

The decision to become the leader of a cult not only goes against commonly held ethical and moral ideals, but it also puts the lives of the people who follow you in jeopardy. The deception and control strategies that are utilized by cult leaders have the potential to have devastating long-term repercussions on the mental and physical health of their members. In addition, the leaders of cults frequently demand undivided allegiance and dedication from their followers, which can result in a loss of one's individual identity as well as their freedom.

In addition, the leaders of cults frequently partake in illicit acts, such as theft, evasion of taxes, and even physical violence. Participating in illegal actions of this nature can result in severe repercussions, such as time spent behind bars and irreparable harm to one's image.

The decision to pursue a career as a cult leader not only puts the lives of one's followers at jeopardy but also runs against to the norms of a society that strives to be just and moral. Consider pursuing a line of work that encourages growth, self-empowerment, and constructive social change in society as an alternative to a profession that encourages manipulation and control of others.

In conclusion, selecting a profession can be a challenging endeavor; nonetheless, it is essential to select a line of work that is congruent with your core beliefs and contributes to the improvement of society. The decision to pursue a career as a cult leader violates not only fundamental ethical and moral principles, but it also puts the lives of one's followers in jeopardy and can have catastrophic repercussions. Consider, as an alternative, a line of work that encourages personal development, the advancement of women, and constructive social shifts.

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