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Friday, September 17, 2021

The Lunch Box

 A designer lunch box was given to me for my birthday by a group of friends last year - or perhaps it was the year before, because time moves so quickly for me. Interesting option, especially given the fact that I haven't worked an outside job in a long time and don't have to bring a lunch with me anyplace. Perhaps it was a joke, or perhaps they were attempting to communicate with me in some way? Hmmm. What matters is that the concept was there. I had completely forgotten about it.

I was gone for a long enough period of time that I was concerned I would become hungry, so I packed a snack and packed it in my lunch box a couple of days ago. The thought occurred to me that I might still have one or two lunch bags from my previous employment, but I couldn't locate them. It wasn't until later that I noticed the new one that my friends had given me in the cabinet where I keep flashlights and candles. Aha! That's it! That's exactly what happened to it! I removed the tag, which was still attached by a zap strap - the product is called Fit Fresh - and clipped it off. It also has a webpage. Suitable for storing an ice pack, a slice of pizza from the night before, and a 7-Up bottle. Dimensions: Despite the fact that I had plenty of room left over for more food, this would be the only thing I could bring with me.

Off I leave the house at 11:30 a.m. with my lunch bag prepared as if I were going to work!

Then that got me thinking about the ambots who leave comments on my blog and on the blogs of other bloggers, and I started researching them. Additionally, we are constantly accused of working for someone else, having an employee mentality, and other similar Amway sneers directed at people who earn their living and pack a lunch bag before leaving for the day, in addition to being told we didn't try hard enough and that we are quitters and broke losers.

What is the purpose of bringing a lunch bag to work? The first point that springs to mind is that it is likely to be less expensive than eating out at restaurants. Going to the staff lunchroom instead of going out to eat leftovers from the previous night's dinner or putting together a sandwich with yoghurt, a piece of fruit, and cookies is more cost effective than going out to eat.

I'm willing to wager that the majority of ambots don't even bring a lunch to work with them. Their thinking is that they are "business owners," and as such, they are entitled to purchase their lunch each day, or at the very least pretend that they can afford to purchase their lunch each day in order to maintain the appearance of being a successful business person in the eyes of others. Yeah! Make your coworkers envious of you! What a bunch of lazy asses and broke losers they are!

Let us assume that lunch costs $10 per day, which includes a beverage and a gratuity for the waiter. $50 every week equates to approximately $200 per month. Egads! That is already more than the average IBO earns in a month's worth of work. The proceeds from the firm were completely devoured! It's a joke, of course!

Another incentive I can think of for folks to bring their lunch to work is to make healthier food choices during the day. A person who goes to McDonald's or Wendy's is going to get a fatty lunch and will most certainly pay more than $5 for it, according to the statistics. A dollar menu is available at both of these establishments; for one dollar per item you can get a small hamburger, medium fries, and small drink, and you can even get dessert for an additional dollar. Although a cheaper lunch than a sit-down restaurant, how healthy is that on a daily basis?

But do you have any idea what else those ambots are up to? They are keeping track of the receipts for the restaurants they frequent during their lunch breaks at work so that they can deduct them as business expenses on their tax return when the time comes. They'll say that they spoke with Amway during their lunch break - perhaps even called their upline - and that the expense is a reasonable business expense.

Sure thing. Good luck with that if you end up getting audited and your supervisor can demonstrate to the auditor that you were on the clock that day throughout the lunch break period.

My husband and I occasionally eat lunch out since we have to attend to business in another town and have been gone for a longer period of time than intended, leaving us hungry. After lunch, we have real business invoices to show that we were engaged in business-related tasks before or after the meal period. As far as I can remember, the last time we did something like this was approximately two months ago; therefore, it is unlikely we are doing anything to attract the attention of an auditor, and we have invoices to indicate we were in that location conducting business if the situation came to that.

Is it possible for an ambot taking a lunch break from their day job to demonstrate that they were engaged in business-related activities? I'd venture to say probably not.

They will not be enjoying a life of luxury in 2 to 5 years while residual money continues to flow into their accounts for the rest of their lives, contrary to what their upline has brainwashed them into believing.

Conserve your funds. Consume more nutritious foods. Make sure you have a lunch bag.

There is no such thing as a free lunch when it comes to Amway.

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