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Friday, September 17, 2021

The Motley Crew

 The question everyone is asking is whether or not there was somebody in our upline that I genuinely liked.

The quick answer is that it does not. With the exception of the jerk who sponsored us, the majority of the others I was cordial enough to engage in brief chats with as needed. At least in the beginning, before Ambot had lost too much money and had become too brainwashed by the authorities. Already, the fact that these fuckers were affiliated with Amway was enough to make me despise and distrust these individuals. For any of them to try to conquer that obstacle with me was a major challenge in itself, because we'd previously been involved in Amway and I was well aware of how difficult it was to make money in the business.

I'm confident that our upline is not much different from the uplines of other folks. Except that mine might be a little stranger and wackier in terms of religion than the rest of the world.

Our sponsor was someone I'd disliked for many years and had nothing to do with, as everyone is well aware at this point. He left Amway shortly after we did. Though it's possible that "quit" isn't quite the right word here. With the exception of the harm he caused to me and Ambot, he didn't contribute much to Amway. He didn't turn up to meetings very often, and when he did, it was presumably because someone higher up in the organisation berated him until he did. As a result, everytime he appeared, he had an angry expression on his face. Embarrassing son of a b*tch. Have I indicated that I don't care for him in the past?

His sponsor, who had made it to Eagle, was more than twenty years younger than I was. He's a lone wolf. His behaviour was typical for his age. His primary goal was getting bedded, and he believed that becoming wealthy through Amway would help him attract more female companions. I believe he was a salesman or an installation for appliances. I can assure you that I would never purchase an appliance from that son of a b****. When we finally get down to redoing our kitchen, it'll be a pain to be him! It is because of his involvement with Amway that I would never purchase anything he is offering since he is dishonest and untrustworthy. Apparently, this cretin becomes engaged with another multilevel marketing company after quitting Amway, and he showed up at our house to attempt to entice Ambot to join. I put him out of his misery as quickly as I could. There's just no chance of it happening. The bastard, on the other hand, is terrified of me. He has ample cause to be confident. He stole one of our cameras and refused to return it after we left, but Ambot was able to track him down a few months later when I threw him under the bus over the issue. That fucking Eagle is a big part of why we lost money, and it's something I'll remember forever. He worked for Amway for a total of two years. That would be a no-go for me as well, as I don't care for him.

The chain of command from there seems a little tangled to me. I believe the next person in line was another salesman who was making around $20k a year from his job at the time. He was a strange individual. He seemed like he could have landed a leading role in a vampire horror film based just on his appearances. What a striking resemblance to Count Dracula! I had absolutely nothing in common with this individual, either. He was usually courteous and offered a few words to me, you know, the disgusting Amway nicey nicey nonsense that everyone knows about. This creature has a scary appearance to it. He is not going to be able to attract any female attention in the near future. Perhaps this explains why he works with Amway. To amass wealth and then find a woman who is interested in him just for the sake of his money. I believe he has been with Amway for around ten years. His sole active downline member was the aforementioned Eagle, who has now resigned, and I believe the majority of his downline legs have also resigned. He has never been able to maintain whatever level of performance that he could have achieved within a month. Because of his affiliation with Amway, he does not sit well with me.

His upline consists of a couple who are probably a year or two younger than me, based on the age of the rest of the people that attended the meetings. I didn't have a lot of touch with them, to be honest. The only negative things I can say about them are that they are affiliated with Amway and that they are far too religious for my taste. If you take those things away from them, you'll probably find that they're decent people who are striving to create a good life for themselves as well as their child. Again, I didn't have much in common with them and didn't have anything to say to them, but I also didn't have anything against them other than the fact that they were Amway zealots. They've been in Amway for about ten years, putting in 2000 to 4000 PV per month, but they've been unable to sustain anything and have never been able to reach the Platinum level since their downline keeps leaving. Unfortunately for them, they have been thoroughly brainwashed. If these people had nothing to do with Amway and happened to be my next-door neighbours, I would probably get along with them.

Everyone knows that I despise Platinum, who is their sponsor, and that he is a sack of shit to begin with. Son of a b*tch who causes trouble. He's an effective cult leader. That's something I'll say on his behalf. His wife, as well as his teenage son and daughter, are respectable individuals. I don't understand what it is about her husband that she finds attractive. Evidently, he was sucked into his religious lunacy by his followers. They have been in Amway for around 15 years and have been in and out of Platinum level certification numerous times due to the difficulty in keeping downline from quitting. The majority of the reasons I don't like him can be summed up in the Fuck You IBO piece, which I wrote earlier this year.

Emeralds from the top of the tree I just saw them a handful of times and never had a conversation with them. A married couple who, in my opinion, appeared to be living beyond their financial means. That comes as no surprise! He had received "approval" from his upline to leave his employment several years ago, but she was still employed. I believe she was employed in some sort of mid-level government management position with a nice salary. They've been in Amway for at least 20 years, if not more. This puts a crimp in the premise of 2 to 5 years to Diamond income. My judgments of them are based solely on the fact that they work for Amway and are damaging other people's life. I have no personal knowledge of them and therefore have no basis for holding them in high regard.

I've never met somebody named Diamond. You, on the other hand, have the picture. I wouldn't have liked any of them in any case because I don't care for folks who are associated with the Amway organisation.

That's all there is to it. The jerks in my upline who are jerks. Most likely, your uplines are not very different from anyone else's. Everyone, with the exception of the one who could land the lead role in a vampire film!

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