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Friday, September 17, 2021

The Platinum’s Mouth Moves!

 So, who is it that watches Judge Judy? In every episode where she has teenagers on the show, she inquires as to how the parents know if their child has lied. When their mouths are moving, the answer is: "Every time they speak."

The same can be said with our bucket of shit Platinum, which has the same answer. How can you tell if an Amway Platinum is telling the truth? The answer is that his mouth is moving!

It was just a couple of days ago that I shared the link to a transcript of an NBC Dateline investigation from 2004. For those who haven't already seen it, the video is available on YouTube in two parts: m3lefOI&feature=related

After a while, I was very certain that my Ambot had become tired of dealing with Amway, so I showed him the expose. Or, perhaps more accurately, he'd had enough of being abused by the sack of shit that was Platinum.

At the Emerald or Diamond levels, I didn't hear anyone bring up the Dateline item about Quixtar/Amway, but our Platinum brought it up frequently throughout the meetings he presided over. "How come Dateline produced this item years ago and then they must have discovered the truth because today they show Amway's advertising on NBC," he would exclaim.

To be quite honest, I haven't the foggiest notion which network was airing Amway's television advertising. What person can recall which commercial is playing on which network in this day and age with 200 television channels? It's possible that commercial was broadcast on numerous networks at the same time. Rather than the sack of excrement, the answer is more likely to come from someone looking to make a few more dollars through advertising. Platinum's claim that NBC had a change of heart regarding Amway and was making amends by airing its advertising without charging them was debunked by the FCC.

Similarly, a stadium owned by the city of Orlando, Florida, faces the same challenges. As soon as Platinum opened his lips, the lies about Amway's ownership of this stadium poured out like a waterfall. The truth is that whatever corporation donates the most money to the city will be able to have their name emblazoned on the stadium. It has sparked a great deal of debate among those who have been harmed by Amway, but a city employee dismisses the outcry, saying that if individuals are stupid enough to get involved with an MLM, she is sad for them, but it is not her responsibility to intervene. When it comes to the city of Orlando, a dollar is just a dollar.

If you come across an IBO who claims that Amway owns this stadium, tell them to read this post and stop lying to you.

One more untruth our Platinum told me disturbed me, despite the fact that I am not a Catholic (nor does he, by the way). I'm not kidding when I say that! He warns the cult members not to believe anything they read on the Internet about Amway since it is all false information. He claimed that if you search for "I despise Amway," you will receive X million results. My recollection is that he stated 80 million, but I'm not sure. Let's just say it's in the tens of millions of dollars.

Now, this next section, which he utilised as a point of comparison I am not going to identify the individual since it would be quite upsetting to me if any hate mail was directed towards my site. I'll describe her in such a way that the majority of my readers will be familiar with her. If somebody leaves a remark on this post and includes her complete name in the comments, I will not publish the comment. Sorry. Despite the fact that she has been the topic of some controversy because of her views on some subjects, I will not express any negative feelings against her on my site. M.T., as she was known to her friends and family, was a nun who died approximately 15 years ago and who spent most of her life working with the poor and dying people in Calcutta. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize many years ago for her work with the destitute and dying people. According to our bucket of shit Platinum, if you type I despise her into Google, you will receive twice the number of hits as those who despise Amway.

I decided to test my hypothesis and typed up "I despise Amway" on Google, which returned 6,360 results. And yes, I used quotation marks because otherwise you would receive millions of hits from people searching for those terms but not in that context; instead, you would get hits from people searching for those words that appear in the article but are not necessarily connected together. And then I repeated the process using MT's name, and I received 3,220 results.

This is the reason why I am not using the name by which this nun was previously known to the public. Some of the Google hits are from people who admired her or generally supported her, and they are referencing someone else who claimed to despise her, and now they are included in that count for no apparent reason.

Put another way, our Platinum opened his mouth, which means that if his mouth is moving, he is lying, and his calculations were off by millions of dollars. And she is incorrect in asserting that she received twice the number of hits from Amway. According to my calculations, the number of people who despise Amway more than doubles the number of individuals who despise MT. Even if the quotation marks are removed, Amway's figures outperform those of her competitor.

So, to summarise, if the Platinum's mouth is moving, he is deceiving the audience. And he's lying because he's driven by greed, not by the truth. When it comes to everything, he has an answer, and he lies out of desperation to keep the cult members from discovering the truth. In the event that he does not lie to his IBOs on a regular basis, they will leave Amway and stop sponsoring his goals.

Even though IBOs eventually depart, the Platinum's lies are all about keeping them there for just a little bit longer so that they can extract even more money from them. People become tired of the abuse and lies and decide to leave. It's not that they didn't strive hard enough - another falsehood the Platinum will spit - it's that they were tired up with the abuse they were receiving from the lying jerk.

Keep this mantra in mind:

Platinum is lying because his mouth moves.

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