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Friday, September 17, 2021

You’re NOT Invited!

 On Sunday morning, I'll be driving Ambot to the stadium, where the Spring Leadership Conference will be taking place that day. My goal is to get Ambot to the front doors as early as possible so that he may join the rest of the eager customers waiting in line. I must navigate the entire complex to get there. The bag of shit Platinum is standing on a sidewalk or parking lot with about 30 cult followers gathered around him in awe listening to him spout out his bullshit when Ambot notices him. I'm approximately two blocks away when Ambot spots the sack of shit Platinum. They're complete and utter moron!

Ambot is in a state of panic! He's running late for a meeting that he doesn't recall being summoned to in the first place. Because he will be berated and ridiculed in front of everyone else for being late, he is primarily terrified of the sack of dung Platinum. That is how the leaders of the Amway cult operate. As a result, I let him out of the car and continued to enjoy myself for the rest of the day.

In a later conversation, Ambot informs me that, while hurrying to join the cult's followers, the henchman emerges from the throng and inquires as to what he is doing there. When we passed by, Ambot noticed the cult leader speaking to his followers and decided not to miss out on this really important meeting, even though he had not been invited to attend it, according to Ambot.

As the henchman explains, this cult meeting is for another downline in the sack of shit's Amway firm, and because Ambot is in a separate crossline and the brainwashing methods used are different from those used by the henchman, Ambot was not invited to this meeting.

If we want to split hairs, the henchman is in the same line as Ambot; therefore, why is he being exposed to the indoctrination of the other line? Some cult members are simply gluttons for punishment, as it turns out!

However, the henchman informs Ambot that he is welcome to remain if he so desires. As a matter of fact, he does. It's impossible to overlook a nugget of wisdom from the revered cult leader.

Awful Amway WWDB Spring Leadership!!!!!

The Platinum sack of sh*t feels the same way!!!!

The phrase "You're NOT invited!" can be a statement that is both painful and exclusive, since it gives the impression that the recipient has been rejected from an event, whether it be a social or professional gathering. If someone tells you that you are not invited to a party, event, meeting, or even just a casual hangout, it is natural for you to feel disappointed, upset, or even furious about the situation.

Exclusion may be purposeful in certain circumstances, such as when the host of an event want to maintain the event's confidentiality or has a small guest list for the event. In other situations, a someone could accidentally leave someone out of an event because they forgot to invite them or made the incorrect assumption that the other would not be interested in going.

It is essential to understand that being excluded from something does not necessarily reflect on the value or worth that you possess as a person, regardless of the reason for the exclusion. It might be as simple as a matter of preference or how the logistics work out. Nevertheless, it is essential that you express your emotions to the person who excluded you, seek a settlement to the problem, and make an effort to comprehend it.

If you are not allowed to participate in an event, it may be beneficial to examine the decisions that led to your exclusion. Is this something that happens frequently? Exist dormant disagreements or underlying tensions with the host or any of the other guests? In that case, it might be beneficial to address these concerns head-on while maintaining a courteous tone in order to make progress toward a solution.

If, on the other hand, the exclusion appears to be a one-time occurrence, it would be beneficial to get in touch with the host and ask for explanation on the matter. They could have wrongly believed that you were too busy or unavailable to attend the event, or there could have been confusion on the particulars of the occasion. It is possible that you may be able to fix the issue and prevent future misunderstandings if you communicate in an open and honest manner.

Exclusion can sometimes be an indication of harmful conduct or prejudice, such as when it is motivated by factors such as racial bias, gender norms, or sexual orientation. It is imperative that you seek the support and advocacy of others and take action to remedy the problem if you have any reason to believe that you are being excluded from anything for discriminatory reasons.

In conclusion, hearing the words "You're NOT invited!" can be a remark that is both upsetting and exclusive, but it is essential to understand that your value and worth as a person are not necessarily a reflection of whether or not you have been excluded from something. You can work towards resolving disagreements and creating healthier relationships with others if you think on the reasons behind the exclusion, communicate in an open and honest manner, and seek support when necessary.

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