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Friday, September 17, 2021

Love What You Do?

 If you are passionate about what you do, you will never have to work a day in your life.

That is something to consider whether you are self-employed or employed by another company.

There are employees who adore the company for which they work, the owners, their managers, and the job itself, and they are completely content.

Of course, Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) look down their noses at these individuals and sneer at them since they have a J.O.B. However, Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) are some of the most judgmental people you'll ever meet!

Finding something you enjoy doing and figuring out how to generate money from it is a concept that has been used by numerous entrepreneurs to start their own enterprises.

The Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) will sneer at these entrepreneurs because the company they operate is not an Amway business. It is completely incomprehensible to Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) that people may truly own businesses that have nothing to do with Amway and make a good life doing something they enjoy. And yet what do you expect from a group of Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) who are among the most judgmental people on the planet?!

Amway was not something I was interested in getting involved with. We had a bad relationship with our sponsor, and I didn't care for our upline. I also didn't care for wasting my time at board plan meetings and events listening to a lot of jerks lie to us about their products.

The words "love what I do" would never cross my lips when speaking to Amway, and there is no way in hell I could ever use it.

In what way can I enjoy deceiving people about how successful our company is when we are actually losing money?

How can I like taking time away from my family, friends, and activities that are essential to me in order to attend Amway meetings and wasting my time?

How can I enjoy watching our credit card balances climb when we were debt-free prior to becoming involved with Amway's business?

Can I adore enduring these phoney nicey nice individuals who love bomb us and promise unwavering lifetime friendship if they are so fake and wonderful?

Is it possible that I enjoy listening to Diamonds deceive us from the stage?

How can I enjoy deceiving people into believing that the reason Amway items are expensive is because they are of great quality?

How can I like being an IBO - also known as a commissioned salesman - when I lack the psychological traits necessary to be a salesperson?

How can I love putting up with a pompous sack of shit Platinum who expects submission and obedience from his cult followers, as well as unwavering adoration?

I like what I was doing prior to becoming associated with Amway, and I continue to enjoy what I am doing now that we are no longer affiliated.

Is it true that I enjoy what I do when it comes to blogging? Yes, without a doubt! I enjoy whining about the jerks I had to put up with during my Amway horror days, and I have a lot of them.

They get bitten in the a** because I wrote about them on my blog, right where I'd like to kick them in the a**!

That, however, is a fabrication.

My second pick is the location where I'd love to kick them!

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