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Friday, September 17, 2021

Pursuing the Almighty Dollar at Spring Leadership

 Given that it is Spring Leadership time for Amway WWDB IBOs, here is a link to an article written by a writer who spent a few hundred dollars to find out what the Amway fraud and Spring Leadership was all about. This is a partial text of a documentary broadcast on NBC's Dateline. Despite the fact that it took place in 2004, when Amway was running their Quixtar fraud to trick people into thinking it was genuine Amway, it is always worth reading. It just goes to illustrate how lies never change.

In the search of the elusive dollar bill

Dateline investigates the inside storey behind elaborate gatherings that draw hundreds of thousands of individuals every year with the promise of quick money by selling things such as vitamins, cosmetics, and home appliances. The investigation will last a year. nbc-consumer alert/from/toolbar

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