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Friday, September 17, 2021

Dragging Our Asses to Amway WWDB Family Reunion!

 Ambot's first Amway WWDB event was the Family Reunion, which he attended with his family. I did not accompany him on his trip. I'm not sure why this isn't possible. It doesn't make a difference. It's always a nice thing when I can get away from an Amway function.

I attended the second Family Reunion that I was invited to. In terms of the actual event, I have very little recollection of it. The voyage and events leading up to the Family Reunion were the more memorable parts of the experience. It was the upline who was dragging us to Family Reunion on their shoulders. The most important event of the year. They were all like that, weren't they? This was not a difficult sell to Ambot because the brainwashing had been thoroughly instilled in him.

Everyone who is serious about building a business should attend Family Reunion. This is how your upline determines whether or not you are a real business builder. They will not collaborate with you if you do not attend. We could have stayed at home and kept our money, and those cretins would not have agreed to collaborate with us. Amway policy appears to be in violation here, according to my research. Amway's guidelines state that purchasing tools and attending functions is entirely optional, and that even if you choose not to purchase them, your upline is still obligated to assist with you on your business. Our upline consisted of a bunch of fucking assholes who were perfectly content to flout Amway's guidelines. To put it another way, what exactly was going to happen to them? It's not like the people at Amway's corporate headquarters give a damn. While the money keeps coming in and the indoctrinated ambots keep buying their overpriced goods, they'll continue to turn a blind eye to the situation.

Ambot was giddy with excitement about the upcoming Family Reunion in July, and he spoke about it to everyone. When a regular person hears the words "family reunion," they envision a get-together with siblings, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and other extended family members. However, family reunions are much more than that. As if they were all true blood relations descended from the same ancestor. However, this is not the case. A group of people he had never met before had come together at the Amway WWDB Family Reunion and had offered to be his new, better family.

We were scheduled to depart with our sponsor Captain Fuck Up and his wife at approximately 10 a.m. on Friday morning. Long storey short, their babysitter was late and they wouldn't be able to go until the middle of the afternoon. Ambot decided to leave without them and they would drive up later in their clunker.

Actually, I'm relieved since I despise Captain Fuck Up and would find it cruel and unusual punishment to be forced to spend the entire day driving with such a conceited jerk.

Captain Fuck Up calls a few hours into our travel to tell he hasn't been able to locate the money he had taken out of the bank the day before or whenever. He is unable to attend the Family Reunion. The Captain must have called at least 20 times throughout the next 4 hours, and during one of the calls he mentioned that he might have left his money at our place, which we accepted. In light of the fact that Captain Fuck Up was speaking with Ambot and not me, I'm not sure whether or not he was requesting that we turn around and return home in order to search for his money. Alternatively, he may have stated that he would come down if we gave him money. After all, he was our upline, which, according to Ambot, meant that we were required to lick his asshole and perform any other tasks he requested of us. Regardless of whether he ordered us to drive home, Ambot did not inform me of this since he knew I would be extremely irritated. As if I needed any more justifications to loathe this stupid asshole. In addition, if I drove home, I would be staying there!

Captain Fuck Up's money has never been found, either in our home or anywhere else in the world.

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