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Friday, September 17, 2021

Who Cares?

 An anonymous Diamond couple whose names I don't recall met me at a rally - one of those all-day gatherings that concludes in the evening with new pins crossing the stage - and we struck up a conversation.

There were a handful of aspects about this pair that stuck out more than any other Diamonds I had heard. These were the only speakers in the Amway meeting who did not bring religion into the discussion. I've attended a number of business meetings throughout the years, and never once was religion brought up. Since leaving Amway and understanding that it is a cult and warped religious ideas are part of cult teaching, it no longer bothers me when the presenters bring up religion in their presentations. But at the very least, these Diamonds deserve credit for doing the right thing and keeping religion out of a business meeting.

I wasn't a fan of the wife's personality. Whenever she spoke of their wealth, she would extol the virtues of being able to go off and go skiing in Aspen at the drop of a hat, or to take their children out of school simply to have fun with them and fly to Disneyland for the day. Greedy, greedy, greedy, they go on and on. The most memorable thing I took away from listening to her lecture was that she punctuated a lot of phrases with the phrase "Who cares?"

As a result, the children will be absent from school for one day. What does it matter?

As a result, I'm here to defraud you of your money. What does it matter?

I believe that both of them had Hummers as part of their fleet of vehicles. What does it matter?

Alternatively, perhaps only one Hummer and another large gas-guzzling SUV would enough. What does it matter?

She was referring to the increase in the price of gasoline. What does it matter?

She has the financial means to do so. What does it matter?

Here's the issue about the price of gasoline: it's constantly fluctuating. I've done a lot of travelling, and the price of gas in the United States is significantly lower than the price of gas anywhere I've visited in Europe. When I was last in England, the price of gas was around double what we pay here in the United States. So what exactly are we doing whining about the price of gas when it has been higher in other countries for the previous 30 years?

What matters is, as the Diamond wife would say, "who cares?"

What was upsetting was less about the price of gas and more about her apathetic attitude toward the environment. Environmental stewardship is something I strive to achieve. I don't have an electric or hybrid vehicle yet, but it's something I'll likely invest in the next time I'm in the market for one. In the meantime, I drive a vehicle that gets 40 miles per gallon. Also, I don't use it all that much as a vehicle. If I have the choice of walking or riding my bike, I will do so. I make an effort not to use my car any more than is absolutely necessary, and this has less to do with the price of gas than it does with being ecologically conscious.

Take, for example, the royal wedding last week. Horse drawn carriages were used for the wedding, which allowed Prince William and his entourage to be environmentally conscious.

Last week, I went to a Barnes & Noble a few of towns over to pick up a couple of novels. I noted that the price of gas was approximately $4.15 per gallon, but about a mile away from B & N, I noticed a station selling gas for $3.89 per gallon. I was almost tempted to pull over to fill up, but I had an appointment at B & N and didn't want to be late, so I continued driving. I returned home and refilled my tank near the residence. Except that I paid cash and got a better deal at $4.05/gallon. 05 cents off per gallon equals $4/gallon. So, yes, I am aware of the differences in prices, especially when they are 10 miles away.

Let us use the Diamond as an example. What does it matter?

Oh my god, she has a freaking awful demeanour. The price of petrol is important to some people, and they are concerned about the possibility of having to pick between buying groceries and filling up their gas tank at some point. But she couldn't give a damn about anyone else but herself, which is typical of the greedy jerks that make up the majority of IBOs.

When you're generating income by defrauding others, it's understandable that you'd adopt a "who cares" mentality.

That does not imply that you should drive about in a $100,000 gas-guzzler and not try to save money. Just because a person has no difficulty paying for natural resources does not imply that they should be mistreated in any way. Have you ever heard of the term "conservation"? Have you ever heard of the term "environmentally friendly"? Have you ever heard of the phrase "leaving your ecological footprint"?

Contribute to the preservation of our environment!

I'm sure she'd just stare at me with a sneer on her face.

What does it matter?

The number of Independent Business Owners (IBOs) out there that have the same snarky attitude about the rising gas prices that they copied from their upline and then go around talking about how they don't care is astounding. After all, they are Amway Independent Business Owners, which means they have no financial difficulties. The deception they have to tell everyone else is the one they have to believe themselves.

What does it matter?

When it comes to electricity, the same is true. Whenever possible, I switch off lights that aren't need to be turned on. I'm constantly turning off television sets when I walk into a room and notice that no one is watching them. Although, every now and then, I'll hear a cry of fury from a room down the hall where someone claims to be watching the programme. Except when the house is uncomfortably hot, I try not to turn on the air conditioner. It's not that I can't afford electricity; it's just that I'm trying to conserve energy by turning everything down and off unless I really have to have something on.

According to what I observed in meetings and what we were taught by the cult leaders, Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) have been brainwashed into believing that they are better to everyone else because they own their own Amway company. Simply by virtue of owning an Amway firm, people have a plenty of money and no longer have to be concerned about money or paying their expenses. Ha! What a belly chuckle! The same idea applies to IBOs who, whether they can or cannot afford power, will almost certainly claim that they can afford it and, as a result, will use it to the fullest extent possible. What does it matter if the rest of you want to conserve electricity?

Because Amway is a company that does not care about anything except the almighty dollar, I can understand why they are taught not to be concerned about having an influence on the environment. The fact that you can purchase something is no justification for not conserving your resources. It is also not an excuse for not preserving resources just because you convey the appearance to everyone else that you can afford anything at all. What about future generations, do you think? Due to the fact that Amway independent business owners (IBOs) are taught not to care about conservation and environmental effect, the rest of us must work a little harder to preserve our planet clean and green. Fortunately, the vast majority of people on the planet are not brainwashed in the manner of IBOs.

I can already hear the collective IBO groans in agreement with my perspective on environmental stewardship.

What does it matter?

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