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Thursday, July 29, 2021

Mukesh & Kokila Patel Amway

 Mukesh and Kokila Patel are a couple from Gujarat.

Born and raised in the Gujarati city of Baroda. With environmental engineering as a specific topic, I received my Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) from M.S. University, Baroda. Following that, I was employed as an assistant engineer on the Narmada Project of the Government of Gujarat (Class-2 gazetted officer). On a part-time basis, I was also working as an environmental engineer consultant.)

In 1998, one of my friends introduced me to the Amway Business opportunity. At the time, I was desperate to find anything in our lives that would provide us with financial security, a significant amount of money, and an endless amount of leisure. As soon as I saw the potential of this business, I set about achieving it with perseverance and consistency.

Within three years of starting this company, both of us had quit our previous positions. For the time being, we are full-time parents to our adoring daughter, Komal, and son, Ronald. We gradually realised that this business provides us with more than just financial benefits; it also provides us with family and spiritual qualities. Sapphire Directs was established in Sept. 2001; the transition to Diamond Directs was completed in August 2003, after only 11 months of work. We would not be able to do this without the tremendous assistance of our upline, downlines, and the entire Business World System. At the moment, we are enjoying our Diamond Direct status and maintaining a healthy balance between our lifestyle, finances, and independence.

We are currently revising our targets in order to achieve EDC and above pin levels, as well as to assist our employees in realising their ambitions and dreams. Now, this business serves as our life's mission. Always have a big vision and take action quickly, since the greatest is yet to come. We are honoured to be a part of the best team in the world, the BWW.

Mukesh & Kokila Patel

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